put this package under CMSSW_X_Y_Z/src
then cmsenv and compile
cmsRun gifDisplay.py to produce event displays
1, in gifDisplay.py provide input using "process.source" input rootfiles must have RAW data to be unpacked, using edmDumpEventContent one should see event has "FEDRawDataCollection" type
2, save event and chamber id for which you want make eventdisplay for in eventList.txt FORMAT: eventNumber endcapID stationID ringID chamberID (note: use ringID=1 for both ME11a and ME11b)
3, ./runDisplay.sh, change path where you want to save plots in runDisplay.sh (plotdir="PLOTPATH")
- this version works under CMSSW_9_2_13, NOT tested in other version of CMSSW
email [email protected] if you have any suggestions or questions