This repo contains my demo projects when I learned how to use STM32 MCU, the projects is mainly based on the board of STM32F103, STM32F407 and STM32F429.
The demo in this repo is not easily to transfer to other mcu, but it can be regarded as a demonstration when you learn the knowledge of its.
If the demo has some bugs, please pull issues to make me know !
1. DC encoder motor(直流编码器电机)
This code develop on STM32F103
A demonstration of how to use the DC encoder motor and utlize the data of encoder to control the speed and angle of motor with PID algorithm.
Reference blog:
2. Ultrasound driver(超声波驱动)
This code develop on STM32F103
A demonstration of how to use Ultrasound to capture the distance data, it mainly based on the knowledge of input capture.
Reference blog:
3. Load cells(称重传感器)
This code develop on STM32F429
A demonstration of how to use the Load cells, it mainly based on the knowledge of IIC. In this demo, we show the data from load cells with LCD.
Reference blog:
4. PS2 driver(PS2手柄驱动)
This code develop on STM32F407
A demonstration of how to use the PS2.
Reference blog:None
5. JY901 gyroscope driver(JY901陀螺仪驱动)
This code develop on STM32F407
A demonstration of how to decoder the data from JY901 gyroscope.
Reference blog:
6. Scan keys based on state(状态机按键)
This code develop on STM32F429
A demonstration of how to utilize the idea of state to scan keys, and it is a demo of long pressing, short pressing and nomal shoting.
Reference blog:
7. HC-05 bule tooth(HC-05蓝牙接收)
This code develop on STM32F429
A demonstration of how to process the data from blue tooth, it mainly based on the knowledge of USART and DMA.
Reference blog:
8. STM32 community with OpenMV(32与openmv通信)
This code develop on STM32F429
A demonstration of how to communicate with openmv, it mainly based on the knowledge of USART and DMA. The code of openmv can be found in the blob.
Reference blog: