Responsive web photo gallery designed to work on mobiles, tablets etc ...
To add content just add '*.jpg' photos to '/app/photos/'.
- src/: spring boot application code
- ui/: Folder for frontend development
- JDK version 7+
./gradlew clean build test
./gradlew cleanIdea idea
PORT=8081 ./gradlew bootRun
In a browser go to http://localhost:8081/
Assuming you have a heroku account you can setup and remotely deploy the application by running the following:
heroku login
heroku create
git push heroku master
heroku ps:scale web=1
heroku open
heroku logs --tail
For ease of frontend development you can build and run the 'ui' separately. See 'ui/' for details. COR's has been enabled server side to allow REST api requests on different ports.
To run webpack and update the public files you can run the command: ./gradlew updatePublicFiles
(from the project root).