The goal of mForex API is to provide flexible, asynchronous programming model for .NET based clients connecting to mForex Trade Server.
We are currently conducting beta tests, so our API is only available on demand for demo accounts only. If you would like to participate, please contact us on
mForex API is available on NuGet
Install-Package mForex.API
Once you have your account ready, you can log in to our server using following code:
//Firstly, you have to create APIConnection, specifying which server you want to connect to.
var connection = new APIConnection(ServerType.Demo);
//Secondly, you need to create APIClient.
var client = new APIClient(connection);
//Finally, you can connect and log in to the server.
await client.Connect();
var result = await client.Login(login, password);
Once connection has been established, all relevant data, but ticks, have been setup and are ready to be registered for. APIClient
provides events which can be subscribed to. However, tick data has to be registered using .RequestTickRegistration()
with RegistrationAction.Register
parameter. For example, to receive and process every incoming tick of EURUSD one could:
client.RequestTickRegistration("EURUSD", RegistrationAction.Register).Wait();
client.Ticks += (Tick[] ticks) =>
foreach (var tick in ticks)
offers an easy way to manage your orders through an ITradeProvider
interface. For example, sample code which closes all opened positions on EURUSD instrument could look like this:
TradeRecord[] trades = client.RequestOpenTrades().Result.Trades;
var closeTasks = new List<Task<TradeTransResponsePacket>>();
foreach (var trade in trades)
closeTasks.Add(client.Trade.CloseOrder(trade.Order, trade.Volume));
await Task.WhenAll(closeTasks);
Note, that you can schedule closing all orders without waiting for first response, which could significantly boost performance in your scenario.
The protocol used to communicate with mForex Trade Server is fundamentally asynchronous. It may be necessary to become familiar with some slightly more advanced .NET features such as asynchronous programming with async and await.
If you encounter any bugs or would like to propose any new features or enhancements, please visit the issue tracker and report the issue.
Copyright 2013 Dom Maklerski mBanku S.A.
Licensed under the MIT License.
NOTE: You can find more information: