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SamuelZhaoY edited this page Apr 21, 2018 · 2 revisions

1. Requirements:

  • iOS simulator 11.0 and xcode 9.0 and above.
  • Android 6.0 and above, supporting both device and simulator. For real device testing please install null-keyboard

2. Setup & Run:

Step 1. Setup Macaca - NoSmoke dependends on the following macaca components:
npm i macaca-android -g
npm i macaca-ios -g
npm i macaca-cli -g
npm i macaca-electron -g
Step 2. Setup NoSmoke - You can choose several ways to run it :]

Method 1: install the nosmoke command line from npmjs

npm i nosmoke -g

Open the terminal and initialize macaca server macaca server --verbose

then in your workspace directory, execute the following command

nosmoke -h path-of-your-hook.js -c path-of-your-config.yml

For full set of command please check:

nosmoke --help

  Usage: nosmoke [options]


    -p, --port <d>    port to use (5678 default)
    -u, --udid <s>    udid of device
    -h, --hooks <s>   location of the hook.js file
    -c, --config <s>  location of the configuration file
    -s, --silent      start without opening browser
    --verbose         show more debugging information
    -v, --versions    output version infomation
    -h, --help        output usage information

Method 2: install via clone from git

git clone [email protected]:macacajs/NoSmoke.git

Open the terminal and initialize macaca server macaca server --verbose

then run the following under the nosmoke root dir:

node bin/nosmoke -h path-of-your-hook.js -c path-of-your-config.yml

Note: -h is optional and -c (the path of the configuration file is a must) in order to run the crawler

Method 3: Supporting Docker as well:

docker run  --privileged -v  nosmoke-reporter:/root/reports --name nosmoke-1 -p 5037:5037 -it zhaoysamuel/nosmoke-android:1.0.0

Note: for docker mode, you need to connect your device and grant the adb access writes to the docker env, otherwise the following error will occur:

Error: Command failed: /opt/android-sdk-linux/platform-tools/adb -s 4fea3345 forward tcp:9001 tcp:9001
  error: device unauthorized.
  This adb server's $ADB_VENDOR_KEYS is not set
  Try 'adb kill-server' if that seems wrong.
  Otherwise check for a confirmation dialog on your device.

3. What you will see

When the npm program starts to execute and browser will automatically open the reporter-monitor, it may take several seconds for the program to start simulator. Once the testing target app installed, the crawler program will start execution and reporter's content will be updated.

If there is an error:

Please kindly drop an issue