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Helper functions to build a custom preprocessor for asyncomplete.vim


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This plugin provides helper functions to build a custom preprocessor for asyncomplete.vim.


This plugin aimed at filtering completion candidates by source specific filter functions.

First, assign the funcref of asyncomplete#preprocessor#ezfilter#filter at the beginning of g:asyncomplete_preprocessor. Then, set filter functions for each complete-source with its name as a key of g:asyncomplete#preprocessor#ezfilter#config. If no particular filter function was assigned, the filter associated with the key '*' is used.

The filter function should accept two arguments and return a list of completion items.

The first argument ctx has the context information. For example, ctx.base is the string just before the cursor. Additionally, the ctx has several useful methods for filtering, see the reference.

The second argument items is a list of items to complete. It is a shallow copy of matches.items (Refer the help of asyncomplete.vim). Check out :help complete-items for the specification of a completion item.


  • Match items case-insensitive
let g:asyncomplete_preprocessor =
  \ [function('asyncomplete#preprocessor#ezfilter#filter')]

let g:asyncomplete#preprocessor#ezfilter#config = {}
let g:asyncomplete#preprocessor#ezfilter#config['*'] =
  \ {ctx, items -> ctx.filter(items)}
  • Match items case-sensitive
let g:asyncomplete_preprocessor =
  \ [function('asyncomplete#preprocessor#ezfilter#filter')]

let s:FALSE = 0
let g:asyncomplete#preprocessor#ezfilter#config = {}
let g:asyncomplete#preprocessor#ezfilter#config['*'] =
  \ {ctx, items -> ctx.filter(items, s:FALSE)}
let g:asyncomplete_preprocessor =
  \ [function('asyncomplete#preprocessor#ezfilter#filter')]

autocmd User asyncomplete_setup call asyncomplete#register_source(
  \ asyncomplete#sources#unicodesymbol#get_source_options({
  \   'name': 'unicodesymbol',
  \   'whitelist': ['julia'],
  \   'completor': function('asyncomplete#sources#unicodesymbol#completor'),
  \ }))

let g:asyncomplete#preprocessor#ezfilter#config = {}
let g:asyncomplete#preprocessor#ezfilter#config.unicodesymbol =
  \ {ctx, items -> filter(items, 'ctx.match(')}
let g:asyncomplete_preprocessor =
  \ [function('asyncomplete#preprocessor#ezfilter#filter')]

autocmd User asyncomplete_setup call asyncomplete#register_source(
  \ asyncomplete#sources#Verdin#get_source_options({
  \   'name': 'Verdin',
  \   'whitelist': ['vim', 'vimspec', 'help'],
  \   'completor': function('asyncomplete#sources#Verdin#completor'),
  \ }))

let g:asyncomplete#preprocessor#ezfilter#config = {}
let g:asyncomplete#preprocessor#ezfilter#config.Verdin =
  \ {ctx, items -> ctx.osa_filter(items, 1)}

Methods of ctx

ctx.match({item} [, {ic}])

Return 1 if {item}.word is forward-matched with ctx.base, otherwise 0. This method ignores case in default; it can be case-sensitive only when {ic} is given and it is a faly value (like 0), however.

ctx.jw_ditance({item}[, {base} [, {ic}]])

Return the Jaro-Winker distance between the two string {item} and {base}. Jaro-Winkler distance ranges from 0 to 1, smaller is similar. ctx.base is used as {base} if it is omitted. This method ignores case in default; it can be case-sensitive only when {ic} is given and it is a falsy value (like 0), however.

ctx.osa_distance({item}[, {base} [, {ic}]])

Return the ristricted Damerau-Levenshtein distance (Optimal string alignment distance) between the two string {item} and {base}. Ristricted Damerau-Levenshtein distance represents the number of edit to make the two strings equal by deletion, insertion, substitution or transposition. Smaller is similar. ctx.base is used as {base} if it is omitted. This method ignores case in default; it can be case-sensitive only when {ic} is given and it is a falsy value (like 0), however.

ctx.filter({items} [, {ic}])

Filter items in {items} by forward-matching. This is an equivalent of filter(copy({items}), 'ctx.match(v:val.word)') but might be faster if python3 interface is available. This method ignores case in default; it can be case-sensitive only when {ic} is given and it is a falsy value (like 0), however.

ctx.jw_filter({items}, {thr} [, {ic}])

Filter items in {items} by Jaro-Winkler distance; items with a distance larger than {thr} are filtered out. Jaro-Winkler distance ranges from 0 to 1, typically 0.15 may work. This method ignores case in default; it can be case-sensitive only when {ic} is given and it is a falsy value (like 0), however.

ctx.osa_filter({items}, {thr} [, {ic}])

Filter items in {items} by optimal string alignment distance; items with a distance larger than {thr} are filtered out. Typically, 1 or 2 may work. This method ignores case in default; it can be case-sensitive only when {ic} is given and it is a falsy value (like 0), however.


This plugin uses python3 interface if available. If you don't want, set a false value to g:asyncomplete#preprocessor#ezfilter#python3.

let g:asyncomplete#preprocessor#ezfilter#python3 = 0


Helper functions to build a custom preprocessor for asyncomplete.vim







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