Currently,this only have BFS,DFS,A*,RRT algorithm respectly in MATLAB and ROS vesion.And in the future I will add more.
BFS and DFS are writen in cpp,you can directly run after complie.
A* was respectly written in MATLAB and ROS version.As for ROS version,you should copy all the directories in src directories to your ROS workplace.After you
You should
roslaunch grid_path_searcher demo.launch
When you complete this,RVIZ will be open.And you should use 3D NAV GOAL in RVIZ to choose the goal.After you choose the goal, the program will generate a path to goal in black grid.
RRT* was implented in ROS and OMPL,before you use you should install ompl. After install ompl,you should git clone RRT* package to your workplace's src. First you should open rviz and open rviz config file in grid_path_searcher/launch/demo.rviz.After that you should
roslaunch grid_path_searcher demo.launch
Chose a goal,then find a optimal path that has the minimun cost to the goal
roslaunch grid_path_searcher demo.launch
Press the g after you can use you mouse to choose goal and change the orientation and position,when you finish you should make sure the last point's z value less than 0
roslaunch waypoint_trajectory_generator test.launch