Logbuddy is logging library that doesn't require you to write explicit log statements. It traverses graph of your dependencies and wraps them with logging proxies. This way each invocation on service (instance, method, arguments, returned object or thrown exception) is logged without polluting your production code with log statements.
Quick example.
class Service {
void serve() {}
public String toString() {
return "Service#" + hashCode();
class App {
Service serviceA = new Service();
Service serviceB = new Service();
void start() {
public String toString() {
return "App";
Logger logger = thread(time(Clock.systemUTC(), invocationDepth(consoleLogger(new TextRenderer()))));
Decorator decorator = traversing(invocationDecorator(logger));
decorator.decorate(new App()).start();
main 2018-03-27T11:57:27.493Z App.start()
main 2018-03-27T11:57:27.502Z Service#1404928347.serve()
main 2018-03-27T11:57:27.502Z returned
main 2018-03-27T11:57:27.502Z Service#949057310.serve()
main 2018-03-27T11:57:27.502Z returned
main 2018-03-27T11:57:27.503Z returned
Logbuddy offers possibility to generate html logs that contain images, graphs etc.
HtmlRenderer renderer = new HtmlRenderer() {
public String render(Object model) {
return model instanceof ChartModel
? lineChartRenderer()
.render((ChartModel) model)
: super.render(model);
Logger logger = fileLogger(Paths.get("log.html"), renderer);
List<Double> sinusoid = range(0, 100)
.mapToDouble(i -> i * 0.1)
More in Documentation.