🤹♂️A simple web hooks manager with zero npm dependencies. Built with PureScript.
$ npm install -g orchy
Create a configuration.json
file with the following contents:
"id": "main",
"dir": ".",
"secret": "secret-token",
"commands": [
"git branch",
"git status"
Now, run the orchy server under http://localhost:8181
$ orchy
Orchy server is running at http://localhost:8181
To run it on a different port:
$ PORT=8282 orchy
Orchy server is running at http://localhost:8282
To execute the main
configuration, open http://localhost:8181/run?definition=main&secret=secret-token in your browser or run the following in terminal
$ curl "http://localhost:8181/run?definition=main&secret=secret-token"
while the browser will show only a success
message, the server will give you more feedback
To receive slack notifications, create a new Incoming Webhook in your Slack account. Then, run orchy with the following environment variables:
- webhook url, e.g.https://hooks.slack.com/services/ABC/DEF/GHI
- channel to post notifications to, e.g.deployment-logs
$ SLACK_HOOK_URL=<url> SLACK_CHANNEL=<channel> orchy
Orchy server is running at http://localhost:8181
When configuration.json
file is missing:
2019/08/05 23:55:40 err Failure reading configuration.json
When configuration.json
has a wrong format:
2019/08/05 23:56:40 err Configuration file is not structured properly
2019/08/05 23:56:40 Error at array index 0: Error at property "id": Type mismatch: expected String, found Undefined
When selected definition is not present in the configuration:
2019/08/06 23:57:52 info Incoming request /run?definition=unknown&secret=unknown-token
2019/08/06 23:57:52 err Definition with provided id and secret not found
When definition exists but one of the commands fails:
2019/08/06 00:02:20 info Incoming request /run?definition=main&secret=secret-token
2019/08/06 00:02:20 info Running definition "main"
2019/08/06 00:02:20 info Executing git branch
2019/08/06 00:02:20 fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
2019/08/06 00:02:20 Process exited with status code 128
2019/08/06 00:02:20 err Execution FAILED
Finally, when everything succeeds:
2019/08/06 00:03:30 info Incoming request /run?definition=main&secret=secret-token
2019/08/06 00:03:30 info Running definition "main"
2019/08/06 00:03:30 info Executing git branch
2019/08/06 00:03:30 * master
2019/08/06 00:03:30 info Executing git status
2019/08/06 00:03:30 On branch master
2019/08/06 00:03:30 nothing to commit, working tree clean
2019/08/06 00:03:30 info Execution SUCCEEDED
$ npm install -g [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
$ spago bundle-app --platform=node -w
$ npx nodemon index.js
Running tests
$ spago test --watch
- a webhook server with zero coding