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MITT v1.0
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Original version as published in Computers and Geosciences (authors:
Bruce MacVicar, Scott Dilling, and Jay Lacey) along with test files
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macvicab committed Sep 10, 2014
1 parent f00d603 commit a8b9bbb
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Showing 104 changed files with 91,348 additions and 0 deletions.
21 changes: 21 additions & 0 deletions CalcArrayStats.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
function xdat = CalcArrayStats(dat,typeanalysisi)
% calculates a statistical parameter from a data array
% called from AFiltArrayGUI

switch typeanalysisi
case 'sum '
xdat = sum(dat);
case 'mean'
xdat = mean(dat);
case 'std '
xdat = std(dat);
case 'skew'
xdat = skewness(dat);
case 'kurt'
xdat = kurtosis(dat);
case 'box '
xdat = mean(dat);

28 changes: 28 additions & 0 deletions CalcChannelMesh.m
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function GUIControl = CalcChannelMesh(GUIControl,CSVControl)
% 3rd level program for organization of calculation of test volume
% topography and water surface grid
% Called from OrganizeInput
% Calls InterpolateUniformChannel, InterpolateNonUniformChannel, or custom subprogram

% check how channel information will be input
% if it is a uniform channel
if GUIControl.IsUniform == 1
% send to subprogram
[oneD,twoD] = InterpUniformChan(GUIControl.Slope,GUIControl.Width,GUIControl.Depth,GUIControl.Length,GUIControl.Sideslope,GUIControl.Widthgrid,GUIControl.Depthgrid,GUIControl.Lengthgrid);
% if it is non-uniform
% get
if GUIControl.Channel == 1 % a *.csv file has been specified
filename1 = [GUIControl.CalcChannelpathname,GUIControl.CalcChannelfile];
[oneD,twoD] = InterpNonUniformChan(filename1);
elseif GUIControl.Channel == 2 % a subprogram has been specified
eval(['[oneD,twoD] = ',GUIControl.CalcChannelfile(1:end-2),'(GUIControl,CSVControl);']);


% save one and two dimensional meshes to C for safekeeping
GUIControl.oneD = oneD;
GUIControl.twoD = twoD;

182 changes: 182 additions & 0 deletions CalcGoodCells.m
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function Config = CalcGoodCells(Config,Data,GUIControl)
% assesses quality of sampled cells based on various flexible criteria
% called from ClassifyArrayGUI, ClassifyArrayAuto
% calls various ClassifyCor, Classifyxcorr, Classifyw1w2xcorr, ClassifyNoise, ClassifySpike, ClassifyPoly
% NoiseHurtherLemmin, ConvMulti2Struct
% Note: criteria can be controlled from launch window for automatic
% analysis or from interactive array plot

faQCname = fieldnames(Config.faQC);
xvar = {'Vel','Despiked','Filtered'};
yvar = {'zZ'};
% if it is empty, no filter has yet been run, or if you want to reset
if isempty(faQCname)||GUIControl.resetFilter
% set faQC from C structure array
if isfield(GUIControl,'faQC')
faQC = GUIControl.faQC;
faQC = DefaultfaQC;

ncomptot = length(Config.comp);
goodCellsi = ones(Config.nCells,ncomptot);
goodCellsii = ones(Config.nCells,ncomptot);

% create matrix to store
nQtot = ncomptot+1+faQC.Range+faQC.w1w2xcorr+ncomptot*(faQC.Correlation+faQC.xcorr+faQC.Spikes+faQC.InertialSlope+faQC.PolyFilt);
Qdat = zeros(Config.nCells,nQtot);
Qcnames = cell(1,nQtot);
Qi = ncomptot+1;

% filter by position in the water column
outofwater = Config.zZ<=0 | Config.zZ>=1;
goodCellsi(outofwater,:) = 0;
Qcnames{Qi} = 'z/Z';
Qdat(:,Qi) = Config.zZ;
Qi = Qi+1;

% filter by lateral position
% yY = Config.ypos/Config.Y;
% outofwater = yY<0 | yY>1;
% goodCellsi(outofwater,:) = 0;

%% filtering subprograms
% filter by range
if faQC.Range
if ~isempty(faQC.nigood)||faQC.nigood>1;
if faQC.nigood > Config.nCells
goodCellsi(:,:) = 0;
if ~isempty(faQC.negood)||faQC.negood<Config.nCells
% filter by signal correlation
if faQC.Correlation && isfield(Data,'Cor')
for ncomp = 1:ncomptot
compi = char(Config.comp(ncomp));
[goodCellsii(:,ncomp),QCor] = ClassifyCor(compi,Data.Cor,faQC.Corthreshold);
Qcnames{Qi} = ['CORBeam',num2str(ncomp)];
Qdat(:,Qi) = QCor(ncomp);
Qi = Qi+1;

goodCellsi = goodCellsi.*goodCellsii;

% filter by correlation between adjacent cells
if faQC.xcorr
% for each component
for ncomp = 1:ncomptot
compi = char(Config.comp(ncomp));
xdata = Data.(GUIControl.X.var).(compi);
[goodCellsii(:,ncomp),Qxcorr] = Classifyxcorr(xdata,faQC.xcorrthreshold);
Qcnames{Qi} = ['X corr ',compi,' (%)'];
Qdat(:,Qi) = Qxcorr;
Qi = Qi+1;
goodCellsi = goodCellsi.*goodCellsii;

% filter by Hurther Lemmin w1 w2
if faQC.w1w2xcorr
if isfield(Data.Vel,'w2')
xdata = Data.(GUIControl.X.var);
[goodCellsiii,QNRW] = ClassifyNoiseRatio(xdata,faQC.w1w2xcorrthreshold,Config.transformationMatrix);
Qdat(:,Qi) = QNRW;
for ncomp = 1:ncomptot
goodCellsi(:,ncomp) = goodCellsi(:,ncomp).*goodCellsiii;
Qdat(:,Qi) = NaN;

Qcnames{Qi} = 'Noise Ratio (%)';
Qi = Qi+1;

% filter by spike numbers
if faQC.Spikes
if isfield(Data,'SpikeY')
% for each component
for ncomp = 1:ncomptot
compi = char(Config.comp(ncomp));
SpikeYi = Data.SpikeY.(compi);
[goodCellsii(:,ncomp),QSpike] = ClassifySpike(SpikeYi,faQC.SpikeThreshold);
Qcnames{Qi} = ['Spikes ',compi,'(%)'];
Qdat(:,Qi) = QSpike;
Qi = Qi+1;
goodCellsi = goodCellsi.*goodCellsii;
Qdat(:,Qi) = NaN;


% filter by -5/3 slope in inertial range
if faQC.InertialSlope
% don't use filtered because it changes the slope
if isfield(Data,'Despike')
xdata = Data.Despike;
xdata = Data.Vel;
for ncomp = 1:ncomptot
compi = char(Config.comp(ncomp));
%xdata = Data.(C.X.var).(compi);
xdatai = xdata.(compi);
[goodCellsii(:,ncomp),QSis] = ClassifyNoiseFloor(xdatai,faQC.InertialSlopeThreshold,Config.Hz,Config.zpos,Config.samplingVolume);
Qcnames{Qi} = ['S Inertial ',compi];
Qdat(:,Qi) = QSis;
Qi = Qi+1;

goodCellsi = goodCellsi.*goodCellsii;
% filter by a 3rd order polynomial to the mean, std, and skewness of profile
if faQC.PolyFilt
ydata = Config.(GUIControl.Y.var);

% for each component
for ncomp = 1:ncomptot
compi = char(Config.comp(ncomp));
xdata = Data.(GUIControl.X.var).(compi);
goodCellsii(:,ncomp) = ClassifyPoly(ydata,xdata,goodCellsi(:,ncomp),faQC.zscore);
Qcnames{Qi} = ['Poly fit ',compi];
Qdat(:,Qi) = goodCellsii(:,ncomp);
Qi = Qi+1;
goodCellsi = goodCellsi.*goodCellsii;
for ncomp=1:ncomptot
compi = char(Config.comp(ncomp));
eval(['Config.goodCells.',compi,' = goodCellsi(:,ncomp)'';']);% ' added Sept 10 so that goodCells is a 1xnCells matrix, with each value in a column (why? so annoying!)

%% output to table
% add in goodCells
for ncomp=1:ncomptot
compi = char(Config.comp(ncomp));
Qcnames{ncomp} = ['goodCells ',compi];
Qdat(:,ncomp) = goodCellsi(:,ncomp);

%% save data
Config.faQC = faQC;
Config.Qcnames = Qcnames;
Config.Qdat = Qdat;



57 changes: 57 additions & 0 deletions CalcIllinoisFlumePos.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
function [oneD,twoD] = CalcIllinoisFlumePos(GUIControl,CSVControl)
% calculate 1 and 2D surfaces for plotting and calculation

filename = [GUIControl.CSVControlpathname,CSVControl(1).ffname,'.csv'];

% get flume positions from data file
[xchannel,ychannel,zchannel,beamh,wsurf]=textread(filename,'%f %f %f %f %f',...

%% 1D way
% isolate xpositions and interpolate to a finer grid
xu = unique(xchannel);
nxutot = length(xu);
bedi = zeros(nxutot,1);
wsurfi = zeros(nxutot,1);
beamhi = zeros(nxutot,1);

% find average bed position
for nx = 1:nxutot
xi = xchannel==xu(nx);
bedi(nx) = mean(zchannel(xi));
wsurfi(nx) = mean(wsurf(xi));
beamhi(nx) = mean(beamh(xi));

% interpolate on regular grid and
% put data into C structure
xmem = xu(1):diff(xu)/200:xu(end);
oneD.xchannel = xmem;
oneD.bedElevation = interp1(xu,bedi,xmem);
oneD.waterElevation = interp1(xu,wsurfi,xmem);
oneD.beamh = interp1(xu,beamhi,xmem);
oneD.Y = CSVControl(1).Y*ones(1,length(xmem));

% isolate xpositions and interpolate to a finer grid
ymem = 0:CSVControl(1).Y/20:CSVControl(1).Y;
oneD.ymem = ymem;

%% 2D way

% create 2D grid for interpolation
[xgrid,ygrid]=ndgrid(xmem,ymem); % grid for 2d xy plane

% create 2D interpolants for bed and water surface
Fbed = scatteredInterpolant(xchannel,ychannel,zchannel,'linear','linear');
Fwater = scatteredInterpolant(xchannel,ychannel,wsurf,'linear','linear');

twoD.xchannel = xgrid;
twoD.ychannel = ygrid;
twoD.bedElevation = Fbed(xgrid,ygrid);
twoD.waterElevation = Fwater(xgrid,ygrid);
% can get the bed and water surface position of any x and y point
twoD.Fbed = Fbed;
twoD.Fwater = Fwater;

47 changes: 47 additions & 0 deletions CalcXYZMoras.m
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function Config = CalcXYZMoras(GUIControl,Config)
% rotate data from local coordinate system to global system

% user parameters
dmultiplier = 0.01;

% load bridgefile for rotation
bridgeDate = Config.bridgeDate;
if length(bridgeDate)<6
bridgeDate = ['0',bridgeDate]; % to compensate for zeros that disappear when you go in and out of excel with a text file
bridgefile = [GUIControl.CSVControlpathname,'bridge',bridgeDate,'.mat'];

% choose the benchmark to which the local data points will be translated and
% around which they will be rotated
pont = eval(['bridge',bridgeDate]);
origg = find(pont(:,1) == 12);
% choose a second benchmark for calculation of rotation angle
rotg = find(pont(:,1) == 18);
% identify origin and rotation points
xgo = pont(origg,2);
ygo = pont(origg,3);
xgr = pont(rotg,2);
ygr = pont(rotg,3);
% transform rotation point into polar coordinates
[thetarot,rhorot] = cart2pol(xgr-xgo,ygr-ygo);

% calculate translation distances to global origin
% translate to origin (using point x=2,y=0)
xlt = Config.xlocal-0;
ylt = Config.ylocal-0;
%convert to polar
[thetal,rhol] = cart2pol(xlt,ylt);
% remove local angle (equal to 0), add global
thetalr = thetal-0+thetarot;
% transform back into cartesian
[xltr,yltr] = pol2cart(thetalr,rhol);
% add constants to obtain new coordinates

% calculate zpos data
Config.zpos = [Config.z1 Config.z2 Config.z3 Config.z4]*dmultiplier;
Config.waterDepth = Config.waterDepth*dmultiplier;
Config.bedElevation = Config.bridgeElevation-Config.bridgeDepth*dmultiplier; % bed surface

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