This app delivers country-name and TopLevelDomain for any country you request.
These instructions will allow you to run the code of node.js within the NodeJS runtime. This programm will output country-name and TopLevelDomain for three test-countries.
In order to use this app, you have to install NodeJS.
- Download NodeJS following this link: (LTS version recommended)
- Open Installer
- Follow prompts to complete installation
To test this app, you have to open it within the node runtime, from your terminal:
- Open Terminal
- Navigate to folder where you have saved the node.js file
- Type command "node node.js"
- Output should be the following: Countryname: Germany
TopLevelDomain: .de
Countryname: Netherlands
TopLevelDomain: .nl
Countryname: Albania
TopLevelDomain: .al
Valerie Fuchs
Apache 2.0