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Very fast and scalable toolkit for mapping and enriching knowledge graphs. The library is especially suitable for problems that arise when building industrial knowledge graphs. The library is a Rust-based implementation of stOTTR. Implemented with Apache Arrow in Rust using, with a Python wrapper.
There is an associated paper [1] that can be found here.
We can easily map DataFrames to RDF-graphs using the Python library. Below is a reproduction of the example in the paper [1]. Assume that we have a DataFrame given by:
ex = ""
co = ""
pi = ""
ing = ""
import polars as pl
df = pl.DataFrame({"p":[pi + "Hawaiian", pi + "Grandiosa"],
"c":[co + "CAN", co + "NOR"],
"is": [[ing + "Pineapple", ing + "Ham"],
[ing + "Pepper", ing + "Meat"]]})
That is, our DataFrame is:
Then we can define a stOTTR template, and create our knowledge graph by expanding this template with our DataFrame as input:
from maplib import Mapping
doc = """
@prefix pizza:<>.
@prefix xsd:<>.
@prefix ex:<>.
ex:Pizza[?p, xsd:AnyURI ?c, List<xsd:AnyURI> ?is] :: {
ottr:Triple(?p, a, pizza:Pizza),
ottr:Triple(?p, pizza:fromCountry, ?c),
cross | ottr:Triple(?p, pizza:hasIngredient, ++?is)
m = Mapping([doc])
m.expand("ex:Pizza", df)
We can immediately query the mapped knowledge graph:
PREFIX pizza:<>
?p a pizza:Pizza .
?p pizza:hasIngredient ?i .
The query gives the following result (a DataFrame):
Next, we are able to perform a construct query, which creates new triples but does not insert them.
hpizzas = """
PREFIX pizza:<>
PREFIX ing:<>
CONSTRUCT { ?p a pizza:UnorthodoxPizza }
?p a pizza:Pizza .
?p pizza:hasIngredient ing:Pineapple .
res = m.query(hpizzas)
The resulting triples are given below:
subject | verb | object |
str | str | str |
"" | "" | "" |
If we are happy with the output of this construct-query, we can insert it in the mapping state. Afterwards we check that the triple is added with a query.
PREFIX pizza:<>
?p a pizza:UnorthodoxPizza
Indeed, we have added the triple:
p |
str |
"" |
The Python API is documented here
From the latest release, copy the appropriate .whl-file for your system, then run e.g.:
pip install
[1] M. Bakken, "maplib: Interactive, literal RDF model mapping for industry," in IEEE Access, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3269093.
[2] M. G. Skjæveland, D. P. Lupp, L. H. Karlsen, and J. W. Klüwer, “Ottr: Formal templates for pattern-based ontology engineering.” in WOP (Book), 2021, pp. 349–377.
All code copyrighted to Prediktor AS with an Apache 2.0 license unless otherwise noted, and has been financed by The Research Council of Norway (grant no. 316656) and Prediktor AS as part of a PhD Degree.