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Branching strategy

Michail Slabko edited this page Jul 24, 2020 · 2 revisions


Story branch should be created for each repository, which requires any code-changes by the following pattern:

"story-<id>[-<tags>]", e.g. "story-25-sync-categories" or just "story-25"

Story sub-task may have separate PR which should be named according to the pattern

"story-<id>-task-<task id>[-<tags>]", e.g. "story-25-task-67-category-feed" or just "story-25-task-67


  • sub-task can have its own PR and can be reviewed independently
  • sub-task PR should be merged only to story branch
  • only story branch can be merged to mainline

If several developers work on the same story, please do not commit directly to the story branch, but merge changes from sub-task branch.

See also: