This is a typescript fork of this repo
Group timestamps into "buckets" by applying a granularity to a discrete value
A timebucket is a type of time domain which combines a size identifier (granularity) with a discrete value, and can be stored as a compact string.
Timebuckets are useful for grouping timestamps together using a particular granularity (such as groups of 30 minutes), as an aid for graphing or map/reduce-ing time-series data.
Also, timebuckets can serve as a neutral format between which UNIX timestamps (seconds before or after 1970) and millisecond timestamps (as used in JavaScript) can be converted, and stored in a complete way (with granularity attached).
A timebucket consists of:
- a size spec (string) which consists of:
- (optional) an unsigned multiplier (default:
) - a granularity identifier, i.e.
for seconds - a signed value, i.e. number of seconds, after or before epoch year (1970)
- time (within 8 hours) of first moonwalk (1969-07-21 02:56
- the year 2013
The timebucket
module exports a factory function. It supports the
following argument combinations:
- build timebucket with millisecond granularity applied to current datetimebucket(size)
- build from specific size (string identifier, see list below) applied to current datetimebucket(milliseconds)
- build from milliseconds since 1970timebucket(size, value)
- build from specific size and valuetimebucket(date)
- build from date object with millisecond granularitytimebucket(str)
- build from string representation
To resize a bucket, call resize(newSize)
console.log(timebucket('y').resize('30m') + '')
// '30m753360'
Conversion methods:
- convert to string representationtoJSON()
- same astoString()
- convert to millisecond UNIX time offsettoDate()
- convert to Date object
var timebucket = require('timebucket')
// defaults to current milliseconds after unix epoch
console.log(timebucket() + '')
// 'ms1369656669680'
// default size (milliseconds) and value
console.log(timebucket(1369601120380) + '')
// 'ms1369601120380'
// specific size (seconds) and value
console.log(timebucket('s', 1369601125) + '')
// 's1369601125'
// resize to year
console.log(timebucket().resize('y') + '')
// 'y43'
// use current time, specific size
console.log(timebucket('30m') + '')
// '30m760920'
// create timebucket from current seconds after unix epoch, and add 5
console.log(timebucket('s').add(5) + '')
// 's1369656674'
// from date object
console.log(timebucket(new Date()) + '')
// 'ms1369656669686'
// from string representation
console.log(timebucket('y43') + '')
// 'y43'
// access granularity and value as properties
var t = timebucket()
console.log(t.size.value, t.size.granularity, t.value)
// 1 'ms' 1369656669686
// resize
console.log(timebucket('y').resize('30m') + '')
// '30m753360'
- millisecondss
- secondsm
- minutesh
- hoursd
- daysw
- weeksM
- monthsy
- years
Timebuckets also have a 64-bit integer representation which contains granularity metadata, while maintaining sortability with buckets of the same granularity.
var timebucket = require('timebucket')
var num = timebucket('8h-491').toNumber()
// toNumber() returns a 64-bit integer representation as a Number
// -49133
var bucket = timebucket.fromNumber(num)
// fromNumber() takes the result of toNumber(), and returns a timebucket instance:
// 8h-491