Portscan2DNS is a simple portscanner which reports the ports it finds open via DNS.
Targets can be specified as CIDR ranges, IP addresses, or hostnames. Please
run with -h
for a complete list of options.
For legal use only.
portscan2dns -domain example.com -ports 22,23,80,443,8000-8010
tcpdump -lnni vio0 udp port 53 | perl -ne '$_=lc;s/.*\? ([^.]+).*/\1/;next if$a{$_};$a{$_}=1;s/-/./g;s/p/:/;print'
In order to not report open ports over public DNS, ports found open can be
reported as SHA224 hashes. To do this, supply a hard-to-guess salt value
with -salt
. Hashes can be brute-forced to find open IP:port pairs by
supplying the same salt and target as well as the hash, with -target-from
The following are settable at compile-time with -ldflags -X
Variable | Default | Description |
main.domain |
none | Reporting DNS domain |
main.portsList |
20-23,80,443,5900 |
List of ports and ranges to scan |
main.randSalt |
randomhash |
Pseudosalt which causes random hashes to be sent |
main.salt |
none | If set, open ports are sent via DNS as hex(sha224(salt + host:port)) |
main.timeout |
1s |
TCP connect timeout |