I had an idea a while back for a web application I wanted to create. I’d not worked much with Bootstrap (http://getbootstrap.com/) and wanted to have some experience with it, so I thought I’d play around with building the app I wanted using the framework.
The Bootstrap web site is pretty detailed, and I quickly found an application template I could use for my application. As I poked around, I noticed that the template allowed me to add a simple menu to my application and that worked for me. As I played around with it, I found that every single example I could find ANYWHERE for how to use the Bootstrap navbar (the menu) only showed how to create the menu, not anything about how to structure a the page sections within the application that would appear as you selected each menu item. I checked all of the Bootstrap web site, stack overflow and any other site I could find with examples, but there were none that showed a complete example of a complete Bootstrap web application that had a menu.
Anyway, I found a post on Stack Overflow that showed the JavaScript code needed to process the menu and customized it to suit my needs. The example I found at http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19579083/bootstrap-how-to-use-navbar showed how to deal with a simple menu, but what I implemented, based on the template I was using, had two menus, so I had to make minor adjustments. I also found another Stack Overflow post that described how to set the active menu item in a Bootstrap application at http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11813498/make-twitter-bootstrap-navbar-link-active. With these two posts, I was able to cobble together what I needed. This repository contains the complete source code for the project
You can find a post I wrote describing this code on www.johnwargo.com.
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