maib e-commerce API docs:
PHP >= 5.6
The following PHP extensions are required:
- curl
- json
Install via Composer:
composer require maib-ecomm/maib-sdk-php
To use the package, use Composer's autoload:
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
Download the latest release and include the config.php file in your project.
Add SDK classes:
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
use MaibEcomm\MaibSdk\MaibAuthRequest;
use MaibEcomm\MaibSdk\MaibApiRequest;
Add Project configurations:
Project Secret and Signature Key are available after Project activation.
The Signature Key is required to validate the notification signature on the Callback URL (/examples/callbackUrl.php).
$auth = MaibAuthRequest::create()->generateToken(PROJECT_ID, PROJECT_SECRET);
// Save received data in your DB
$token = $auth->accessToken;
$tokenExpiresAt = time() + $auth->expiresIn;
$refreshToken = $auth->refreshToken;
$refreshExpiresAt = time() + $auth->refreshExpiresIn;
$auth = MaibAuthRequest::create()->generateToken($refreshToken);
// Save received data in your DB
$token = $auth->accessToken;
$tokenExpiresAt = time() + $auth->expiresIn;
$refreshToken = $auth->refreshToken;
$refreshExpiresAt = time() + $auth->refreshExpiresIn;
// Set up payment required parameters
$data = array(
'amount' => 10.25,
'currency' => 'EUR',
'clientIp' => ''
// Initiate Direct Payment
$pay = MaibApiRequest::create()->pay($data, $token);
// Save payment ID in your DB
$payUrl = $pay->payUrl;
$payId = $pay->payId;
// Redirect Client to the maib checkout page
header("Location: " . $payUrl);
Payment status and data you will receive on the Callback URL.
// Set up payment required parameters
$data = array(
'amount' => 10.25,
'currency' => 'EUR',
'clientIp' => ''
// Initiate Payment Authorization
$hold = MaibApiRequest::create()->hold($data, $token);
// Save payment ID in your DB
$payUrl = $hold->payUrl;
$payId = $hold->payId;
// Redirect Client to the maib checkout page
header("Location: " . $payUrl);
Payment status and data you will receive on the Callback URL.
// Payment ID is required parameter
$data = array(
'payId' => 'f16a9006-128a-46bc-8e2a-77a6ee99df75'
// Complete 2-Step Payment
$complete = MaibApiRequest::create()->complete($data, $token);
// Display request response
$jsonData = json_encode($complete);
echo $jsonData;
// Receive Payment status and data
$payId = $complete->payId;
$cardNumber = $complete->cardNumber;
$status = $complete->status;
$statusMessage= $complete->statusMessage;
$confirmAmount = $complete->confirmAmount;
// Payment ID is required parameter
$data = array(
'payId' => 'f16a9006-128a-46bc-8e2a-77a6ee99df75'
// Initiate Refund Payment
$refund = MaibApiRequest::create()->refund($data, $token);
// Display request response
$jsonData = json_encode($refund);
echo $jsonData;
// Receive Refund status
$payId = $refund->payId;
$status = $refund->status;
$statusMessage= $refund->statusMessage;
$refundAmount = $refund->refundAmount;
// Payment ID
$id = 'f16a9006-128a-46bc-8e2a-77a6ee99df75';
// Initiate Payment Info
$payInfo = MaibApiRequest::create()->payInfo($id, $token);
// Display request response
$jsonData = json_encode($payInfo);
echo $jsonData;
// Receive Payment status and data
$payId = $payInfo->payId;
$status = $payInfo->status;
$statusMessage = $payInfo->statusMessage;
$amount = $payInfo->amount;
$currency = $payInfo->currency;
$cardNumber = $payInfo->cardNumber;
$rrn = $payInfo->rrn;
$approval = $payInfo->approval;
// Set up required parameters
$data = array(
'email' => '[email protected]',
'billerExpiry' => '1230',
'currency' => 'EUR',
'clientIp' => ''
// Initiate Card Registration for Recurring Payments
$saveRecurring = MaibApiRequest::create()->saveRecurring($data, $token);
// Save payId in your system
$payUrl = $saveRecurring->payUrl;
$payId = $saveRecurring->payId;
// Redirect Client to the maib checkout page
header("Location: " . $payUrl);
Recurring Payments data (billerId/billerExpiry) you will receive on the Callback URL.
// Set up required parameters
$data = array(
'billerId' => 't78i8006-458a-46bc-9e0a-89a6ee11df68',
'amount' => 6.25,
'currency' => 'EUR'
// Execute Recurring Payment
$executeRecurring = MaibApiRequest::create()->executeRecurring($data, $token);
// Display request response
$jsonData = json_encode($executeRecurring);
echo $jsonData;
// Save payment status and data in your system
$billerId = $executeRecurring->billerId;
$payId = $executeRecurring->payId;
$orderId = $executeRecurring->orderId;
$status = $executeRecurring->status;
$statusMessage= $executeRecurring->statusMessage;
$amount = $executeRecurring->amount;
$currency = $executeRecurring->currency;
$cardNumber = $executeRecurring->cardNumber;
$rrn = $executeRecurring->rrn;
$approval = $executeRecurring->approval;
// Set up required parameters
$data = array(
'email' => '[email protected]',
'billerExpiry' => '1230',
'currency' => 'EUR',
'clientIp' => ''
// Initiate Card Registration for One-Click Payments
$saveOneclick = MaibApiRequest::create()->saveOneclick($data, $token);
// Save payId in your system
$payUrl = $saveOneclick->payUrl;
$payId = $saveOneclick->payId;
// Redirect Client to maib checkout page
header("Location: " . $payUrl);
One-Click Payments data (billerId/billerExpiry) you will receive on the Callback URL.
// Set up required parameters
$data = array(
'billerId' => 't78i8006-458a-46bc-9e0a-89a6ee11df68',
'amount' => 6.25,
'currency' => 'EUR',
'clientIp' => ''
// Execute One-Click Payment
$executeOneclick = MaibApiRequest::create()->executeOneclick($data, $token);
// Save payment ID in your DB
$payUrl = $executeOneclick->payUrl;
$payId = $executeOneclick->payId;
// Redirect Client to the maib checkout page for 3D-Secure authentication
header("Location: " . $payUrl);
One-Click Payment status and data you will receive on the Callback URL.