This DIY Air Quality Sensor measures temperature, humidity, pressure, air quality (IAQ), CO2 and VOC. The data is visualy represented on a display as well available via Home Assistant.
Here are files related to the housing for the DIY probe. The housing is optimized for 3d printing.
Here you find schematics, pcb desings and BOM files. Firmware can be found in
Pictures of the probe
This project uses the Bosch BME 680 to meassure the airqulity. The housing is designed to hold a jOY-iT BME 680 sensor board.
I used an ILI9341 TFT LCD Screen. Have a look at aliexpress
This project uses a custom PCB based on an ESP32-WROOM-32E. All connectors are placed in a way that it fits nicely in the housing.