- France
django-filter Public
Forked from carltongibson/django-filterA generic system for filtering Django QuerySets based on user selections
Python Other UpdatedApr 7, 2021 -
pybind11 Public
Forked from pybind/pybind11Seamless operability between C++11 and Python
C++ Other UpdatedJan 13, 2021 -
django-advanced-filters Public
Forked from modlinltd/django-advanced-filtersAdd advanced filtering abilities to Django admin
Python MIT License UpdatedApr 26, 2020 -
dockprom Public
Forked from stefanprodan/dockpromDocker hosts and containers monitoring with Prometheus, Grafana, cAdvisor, NodeExporter and AlertManager
MIT License UpdatedMar 9, 2020 -
cpp-netlib Public
Forked from cpp-netlib/cpp-netlibThe C++ Network Library Project -- cross-platform, standards compliant networking library.
circus Public
Forked from circus-tent/circusA Process & Socket Manager built with zmq
Python Other UpdatedJun 11, 2019 -
flatbuffers Public
Forked from google/flatbuffersMemory Efficient Serialization Library
C++ Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMar 21, 2017