- Here are some notes to clarify the setup
- Make sure you have installed the AWS CLI
- if you use my vagrant devops-box it is included by default
- otherwise you can download it manually from https://aws.amazon.com/cli/
- If you're on linux you can also use "sudo pip install --upgrade awscli"
- If you don't have pip, try sudo apt-get install python-pip
- There is a lecture on how to add an admin user, this need to be done to create an access key and secret key
- Use "aws configure" to enter the keys
- you can optionally specify a default region - but no worries, in terraform you can set any region you want
- Use http://www.cloudping.info/ to determine your region
- You can test whether it works by entering: aws iam get-user
- This will also show your AWS userid which you need afterwards
- Useful Commands
$ terraform plan | # plan
$ terraform apply | # shortcut for plan & apply - avoid this in production
$ terraform plan -out out.terraform | # terraform plan and write the plan to out file
$ terraform apply out.terraform | # apply terraform plan using out file
$ terraform show | # show current state
$ cat terraform.tfstate | # show state in JSON format
This is explained using MacOS/Linux. If you rather want to use putty, use the following steps to create your SSH keypair:
Download Putty and PuttyGen from http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/download.html
Launch PuttyGen and click the "Generate" button to generate a new public/private key
You can enter a passphrase or leave it blank
Save the public and private keys by clicking the Save public key and Save private key buttons
- Download URL: https://www.terraform.io/downloads.html
- AWS Resources: https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/aws/
- List of providers: https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/index.html
Practise Directory | Description |
first-steps | First steps |
practise-1 | First steps: Launching an EC2 instance |
practise-2 | Using provisioner |
practise-2b | Using provisioner on a Windows instance |
practise-3 | Executing script locally |
practise-4 | Outputting |
practise-5 | Data Source |
practise-6 | Modules |
practise-7 | AWS VPC |
practise-8 | EC2 instance within VPC with securitygroup |
practise-9 | EC2 instance with EBS volumes |
practise-10 | Userdata and cloudinit |
practise-11 | Route53 (DNS) |
practise-12 | RDS |
practise-13 | IAM |
practise-14 | IAM Roles with S3 bucket |
practise-15 | Autoscaling |
practise-16 | Autoscaling with ELB (Elastic Load Balancer) |
practise-17 | Elastic Beanstalk PHP 7 stack with RDS |
practise-18 | Interpolations, VPC module |
practise-18b | Project structure, best practices |
packer-practise | Build AMIs with Packer |
jenkins-packer-practise | practise with jenkins and Packer |
docker-practise-1 | Using ECR - The EC2 Container Registry |
docker-practise-2 | Using ECS - The EC2 Container Service |
docker-practise-3 | Using ECR/ECS with Jenkins in a complete workflow |
module-practise | Using ECS + ALB in 4 modules to show how developing terraform modules work |