- Integration of 3PLs
- Requesting couriers for shipments from a specific origin to a destination within a selected time frame
- Management and updating of courier and request statuses
- Project directory structure
- Database Design
- 3PL Proxy Pattern
- Webhook and API Design
- Database Migration
- Entity and Repositories
- Services
- Controller
- Test and Mock
- Scheduler
- Documentation
- Request Validation and Idempotency
- Log
flowchart TD
A((Receive new request)) --> B(Validation Request,Idempotency,Timeframe, ...)
B --> C{is Valid?}
C --> |is valid| D[Store request in DB]
C --> |Not valid| E[Return Error]
D --> F{is lower than 1 Hour?}
F -->|Yes| G[Request for shipment]
F -->|No| H[Schedule it]
flowchart TD
A((Scheduler)) --> B(Fetch shipment ready Orders or no response requests)
B --> DAS@{ shape: das, label: "Queue Requests" }
DAS --> 3PL(Send to provider)
3PL --> C{is success?}
C --> |Yes| D[(Change state to finding)]
C --> |No!| 3PL
flowchart TD
A((Delivery Webhook)) --> B(Validate body)
B --> C{is correct?}
C --> |Yes| D(Fetch from DB)
D --> E{Has Data?}
E --> |Yes| U(Update state)
C --> |No| END((Do nothing))
E --> |No| END
Enum "order_status" {
Table "orders" {
"id" SERIAL [pk, increment]
"order_number" VARCHAR(255) [unique, not null]
"status" order_status [not null]
"user_info" JSON [not null]
"origin_latitude" DOUBLEPRECISION [not null]
"origin_longitude" DOUBLEPRECISION [not null]
"destination_latitude" DOUBLEPRECISION [not null]
"destination_longitude" DOUBLEPRECISION [not null]
"time_frame_days" INT [not null]
"time_frame_from" TIMESTAMP [not null]
"time_frame_to" TIMESTAMP [not null]
"created_at" TIMESTAMP [not null, default: `CURRENT_TIMESTAMP`]
"updated_at" TIMESTAMP
Enum "delivery_status" {
Table "deliveries" {
"id" SERIAL [pk, increment]
"order_id" BIGINT [not null]
"provider" VARCHAR(255) [not null]
"origin_latitude" DOUBLEPRECISION [not null]
"origin_longitude" DOUBLEPRECISION [not null]
"destination_latitude" DOUBLEPRECISION [not null]
"destination_longitude" DOUBLEPRECISION [not null]
"time_frame_start" TIMESTAMP [not null]
"time_frame_end" TIMESTAMP [not null]
"status" delivery_status [not null]
"created_at" TIMESTAMP [not null, default: `CURRENT_TIMESTAMP`]
"updated_at" TIMESTAMP
Table "delivery_audits" {
"id" SERIAL [pk, increment]
"delivery_id" BIGINT [not null]
"provider" VARCHAR(255) [not null]
"status" delivery_status [not null]
"created_at" TIMESTAMP [not null, default: `CURRENT_TIMESTAMP`]
Table providers {
id SERIAL [pk, increment]
"name" varchar(255)
is_enable bool
priority int
Request for shipment model:
Field | type |
OrderId | unique |
UserInfo | UserInfo |
fromLoc | [lat,lng] |
toLoc | [lat,lng] |
delveryTimeFrame | Timeframe |
Time Frame: Two-hour time slots from 9 AM to 11 PM (for the next 4 days)
1. init
2. isFinding
3. found
4. notFound
5. delivered
participant Core
box Green Delivery Service
participant Delivery
participant Database
participant 3PL
Core->>Delivery: Success Order
Delivery->>Database: Store Order Delivery request
Delivery->>3PL: Shipment ready request
Note right of Delivery: Ready request
activate 3PL
3PL->>3PL: Finding shipment
3PL-->>Delivery: Send "Found", "NotFound", "Delivered" state
deactivate 3PL
Delivery-->>Core: Send latest state of order's delivery
- Request for shipment if time to delivery is <= 1 Hour OR is >= 15' from init state.
- Process 10,000 Requests in 1 Hour
- Scalability
- Seeder for generate orders in difference time
- Find the shipment after maximum 3 retries.
- 95% Success (or uptime)
- Core get 5% fault for get state.
- 3PL has 5% fault