- Command Line Synthesizer
- pipe Data from one exe to another
- use
to generate a wave./gen_wave_example saw 660.0 2.0
-creates a saw wave with 660hz for 2 seconds./gen_wave_example insaw 660.0 3.0
-creates an inverse saw wave with 660hz for 3 seconds./gen_wave_example sine 440.0 0.5
-creates a sine wave with 440hz for 0.5 seconds./gen_wave_example tri 880.0 1.0
-creates a triangle wave with 880hz for 1 seconds./gen_wave_example sample ../sounds/clack.wav
-play sample
- other generators:
./inverse_saw_wave_generator 440 1.0
./saw_wave_generator 440 1.0
./sine_wave_generator 440 1.0
./square_wave_generator 440 1.0
./triangle_wave_generator 440 1.0
./triangle_wave_generator2 440 1.0
- adsr: pipe into
- sinks:
- play a wav
./gen_wave_example saw 440 1.0 |./adsr_modificator|./play_wave
- plot a wav via GNU Plot
./gen_wave_example sine 440.0 0.1 |./adsr_modificator|gnuplot -p -e "set xrange[0:4800]; plot '-' "
- use command line plot:
./gen_wave_example saw 440 1.0 |./adsr_modificator|./plot_wave
- 20230526 - Version 1.0.0
- data between nodes are now send without size information (pure samples)