Build unity project for iOS, install, run on device
All from the command line. Working example here
Install Homebrew Dependencies
brew install
brew install
brew install ideviceinstaller
You need an editor script in your project that wraps BuildPipeline.BuildPlayer
. Here is an example
This will generate the xcode project:
/Applications/Unity/ -projectPath $UNITY_PROJECT -batchmode -quit -logFile - -executeMethod $BUILD_WRAPPER
This builds the .app and the .ipa:
/usr/bin/xcodebuild -alltargets -configuration Release build CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR=$XCODE_OUTPUT
/usr/bin/xcrun --sdk iphoneos PackageApplication "$XCODE_OUTPUT/$"
This installs and runs the ipa:
ideviceinstaller -i "$XCODE_OUTPUT/$APP_NAME.ipa" -U $IDEVICE_UDID
APP_PATH=$(ideviceinstaller -l -U $IDEVICE_UDID -o xml | grep -o ">/private/var/.*/$<" | sed 's/[<>]//g')
idevice-app-runner -d -U $IDEVICE_UDID -r $APP_PATH
Code is under the MIT license.