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Angular Template For Three.js (atft)

Leverage Three.js in your Angular app using simple components:

<atft-orbit-controls [rotateSpeed]=1 [zoomSpeed]=1.2>
      [fov]=60 [near]=1 [far]=1100
      positionX=20 [positionY]=50 [positionZ]=50>
      <atft-axes-helper [size]=200></atft-axes-helper>
      <atft-grid-helper [size]=100 [divisions]=10></atft-grid-helper>


Explore provided Angular components in isolation!

Click below to see the demo in a web browser:

Goals of this repo

  • Implement npm atft library
    • Bindings for Three.js
    • SceneComponent with basic usage of scene, camera, lights, helpers, renderer
    • Integrated Three.js examples as components (e.g. OrbitControls, OBJLoader, ObjectLoader)
  • Develop and test library components in isolation via Storybook

Usage in your Angular project

  1. Set up an Angular project and install dependencies:

    npm i three dagre atft yaml --save
    npm i @types/dagre @types/three --save-dev
  2. Import library into your module:

    import { AtftModule } from 'atft';
      imports: [
  3. Use atft library components in src/app.component.html:

    <atft-orbit-controls [rotateSpeed]=1 [zoomSpeed]=1.2>
      <atft-renderer-canvas #mainRenderer>
          [fov]=60 [near]=1 [far]=1100
          [positionX]=20 [positionY]=50 [positionZ]=50>
          <atft-axes-helper [size]=200></atft-axes-helper>
          <atft-grid-helper [size]=100 [divisions]=10></atft-grid-helper>
  4. (optionally) if you want to fit 3D scene canvas into entire screen (horizontally and vertically):

    in src/styles.css:

     html, body {
         height: 100%;
         margin: 0;

    in src/app/app.component.css:

     :host {
         height: 100%;
         display: flex;

Used by

Sample vect project, which is based on atft library:


Build Library

  1. git clone
  2. npm install
  3. ng build atft

Run Tests

  • npm test

Run Storybook

Run and watch locally: npm run storybook

Our storybook config is in ./storybook and our stories in ./src/stories. See the official Storybook.js documentation for more information.

API Documentation

For mode details see API documentation

Release and Changelog

To automatically generate changelog and bump atft version:

npm run release


Feel free to join us! Just submit your ideas via pull-requests :)