An implementation of various algorithms and techniques (graph theory, Machine Learning...) all combined together to create an AI that outperforms human skills in playing the Snake game.
The project has been organized as follows:
: a text file containing the needed packages to run the repo.a_star_algorithm/
: folder containing the Snake game implemented using the A Star graph
: a folder containing the Snake game implemented using ML (Tensorflow and Keras).ml/models/
: folder containing the pre-trained model.snake/
: a folder containing the usual Snake game, needs human interaction to be played.
N.B: use Python 3.8
1. Clone the repo:
on your terminal, run git clone
Then get into the project folder: cd Awesome_Snake_AI/
We need to install some dependencies:
sudo apt install python3-pip libpq-dev python3-dev
2. Install requirements:
Before running the app, we need to install some packages.
- Optional Create a virtual environment: To do things in a clean way, let's create a virtual environment to keep things isolated.
Install the virtual environment wrapper:pip3 install virtualenvwrapper
Add the following lines to~/.bashrc
export WORKON_HOME=$HOME/.virtualenvs
export VIRTUALENVWRAPPER_PYTHON=/usr/bin/python3
export VIRTUALENVWRAPPER_VIRTUALENV=~/.local/bin/virtualenv
source ~/.local/bin/
Run source ~/.bashrc
Run mkvirtualenv snake
Activate the virtual environment: workon snake
(To deactivate the virtual environment, run deactivate
- Install requirements: To install the packages needed to run the application, run
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
N.B: If you don't have GPU, or don't have Cuda and Cudnn installed, replace tensorflow-gpu
by tensorflow
in requirements.txt.
3- Run the game:
To run the A star snake game, get into the a_star_algorithm folder cd a_star_algorithm
then run python
The ml snake game has two modes:
- Training mode: used to make the snake play random games and generate the data that will be used to train the snake model.
- Testing mode: used to run the snake game using the pre-trained model (which exist in
To run one of the modes, you need to get into theml/
folder (cd ml/
)then run the following command:
python --mode <train/test>
Choose the mode you want to run.
Alternatively, you can add other arguments (width, height, block, info_zone).