Dense packing of ellipsoids
g++ ellipsoids-openmp.cpp -fopenmp -o ellipsoids-openmp
Intel Compiler:
module add intel
icc ellipsoids-openmp.cpp -fopenmp -o ellipsoids-openmp
./ellipsoids-openmp ell.dat el.log 1
cd ellipsoids/js
npm install
node generator_template.js /path/to/tests /path/to/ellipsoids/ellipsoids-openmp 3 /path/to/ellipsoids/mean-pack-ell > wf.json
hflow run wf.json
node generator_template.js /path/to/tests /path/to/ellipsoids/ellipsoids-openmp 3 /path/to/ellipsoids/mean-pack-ell amqpCommand > amqpwf.json
When using this code, please cite:
Bargieł, M., Szczygłowski, Ł., Trzcionkowski, R., Malawski, M., Towards large-scale parallel simulated packings of ellipsoids with OpenMP and HyperFlow, CGW workshop'15 : October 26–28, 2015 Kraków, Poland. Proceedings: eds. Marian Bubak, Michał Turała, Kazimierz Wiatr, Kraków, Academic Computer Centre CYFRONET AGH, 2015. ISBN: 978-83-61433-14-9, 117–118.
Bargieł, M., Geometrical properties of simulated packings of ellipsoids, CGW workshop'14 : October 27–29, 2014, Krakow, Poland. Proceedings: eds. Marian Bubak, Michał Turała, Kazimierz Wiatr, Kraków: Academic Computer Centre CYFRONET AGH, 2014. ISBN: 978-83-61433-10-1, 123–124.