Sitevision boilerplate used as template
checkout from git
npm install
npm run setup
npm run create-addon
create an addon with the name configured in the setup tasknpm run zip
npm run deploy
and upload to the addon configured in the setup tasknpm run force-deploy
and upload to the addon configured in the setup task. This will overwrite the current WebApp if it has the same version and id defined in manifest.jsonnpm run sign
and invoke the signing endpoint of the SiteVision developer REST API. A signed version of the WebApp will be created in the/dist
foldernpm run prod-deploy
deploy the signed WebApp to a production environment
Visit for more information
This WEB-app uses one REST-app ( to connecting to the contact_api ( The WEB-app responsibility is to enable an interface for search contacts (persons or functions) and render contact information. If the restapp changes name, config.js needs to reflect this by updating the variable api
The REST-app requires an 'app_token' and an 'app_secret', GUI for that is in the REST-app settings
- REST-api URL - default window.location.origin + /rest-api/kontaktruta/
- Metadata to save contacts - default 'kontaktrutastadsomradenV4_3'
- For every instance of Kontaktruta it is possible to setup contacts
- For local development (use variable
local = true
in index.js and config.js)