Ruby gem for Siteseeker integration. Performs requests and parses the response from Siteseeker. Search results is available as a structured object.
- Ruby >= 1.9.3.
- A Siteseeker account.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'siteseeker_normalizer'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install siteseeker_normalizer
Check out the Intranet Dashboard Rails app in the site_search
controller and views or the Sinatra search app Sitesearch. Both are using memcached wrappers for the fetched search results.
Plain Ruby usage:
require 'siteseeker_normalizer'
# Initialize a search client with your account name and a search index name.
client ="account_name", "index_name")
# Search query with a search string.
results ="parkering")
# Search query with a Hash of parameters
# Used for category filtering, load more results etc. where the query comes from a previous result.
results =
# Fetch the results first and then parse. Useful for caching the response before parsing.
raw_results = client.fetch("parkering")
raw_results = client.fetch(params)
results =
# Parsed response # => 1008
results.entries # => Array with result entries
# First entry in results
entry = results.entries.first
entry.title # => "Boendeparkering"
entry.summary # => "Boendeparkering finns snart i 19 ..." # => "2013-12-17"
entry.breadcrumbs.first.text # => ""
entry.breadcrumbs.first.url # => ""
entry.category # => "Ämnessidor: Stadsplanering & trafik"
# Sorting, Array with sorting alternatives
results.sorting.first.text # => "Relevans"
results.sorting.first.query # => "q=parkering&t=simple&ls=2&d=0&d1=01&d2 ..."
results.sorting.first.current # => false
# Query for loading more results
results.more_query # => "q=parkering&t=simple&ls=2&d=0&d1=01&d2 ..."
# Array with categories for the results, used for filtering
category_group = results.category_groups.first
category_group.title # => "Ämnessidor"
category = category_group.categories.first
category.current? # => false
category.hits # => "12"
category.title # => "Biblioteken"
category.query # => "q=parkering&t=simple&ls=2&d=0&d1=01&d2 ..."
# Spelling suggestions
results ="parkkering")
results.suggestions.first.text # => "parkering"
results.suggestions.first.url # => "q=parkering&t=simple&ls=2&d=0&d1=01& ..."
- Fork it
- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b my-new-feature
) - Create or modify test cases
- Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin my-new-feature
) - Create new Pull Request
Released under AGPL version 3.