At the moment Ligo is in development. I bumped into some things I had to solve related to the school assignment. I keep a very detailed desciption of these things in my Wiki. I'll give a brief overview of them right here
The .populate() function that belongs to the Waterline ORM creates joins. Because MongoDB doesn't have a joins functionallity it automatically falls back on a polyfill that artifically joins values. Unfortunately this polyfill sends multiplue request in orderto achieve this.
naitive $lookup query
- no eager support waterline
- no eager support mongoose
- time
- thw goal
I used policies
I am going to use services
Used to sass so I might replace Less (depents on how awesome my imported library is)
I am going to run the grunt tasks & sails-linker stuff with views
used sails.getUrlFor(contoller.action)
sails.log.error sails.log.debug were extremly helpfull when debugging server side issues