Classifier of the potential pathogenicity of human genomic truncations
Download the .zip files with git clone
cd nutvar2-master
There are two different options to run NutVar2: using SnpEff as the only predictor for variant outcome, using VEP as the only predictor for variant outcome.
**Note: VEP is a very comprehensive and informative predictor of variant outcome, but its time of execution is way larger than that of SnpEff. If VEP is going to be used in large input vcf files, cut files in smaller subfiles prior to running NutVar2.
cd nutvar2-master
nutvar2-master$ ./ path-to-nutvar2-master/ user.vcf data/final
Test: nutvar2-master$ ./ ~/Downloads/nutvar2_NEW-master/ test/problems.vcf data/final
nutvar2-master$ ./ path-to-nutvar2-master/ user.vcf data/final path-to-VEP81/
Test:nutvar2-master$ ./ ~/Downloads/nutvar2-master example.vcf data/final path-to-VEP81/