Framework: Pytorch 0.2.0.post1 or above
Language: Python 2.7 or above
Implemented by: Zihang Zou, [Laboratory for MAchine Perception and Learning(MAPLE)], University of Central Florida
Please cite the following paper when referring to the following algorithms:
Guo-Jn Qi. Loss-Sensitive Generative Adversarial Networks on Lipschitz Densities. arXiv:1701.06264 [pdf]
This project implements the algorithms proposed in generalized loss-sensitive GAN (GLS-GAN), which includes both conventional LS-GAN and WGAN as special cases. The loss sensitive gan regularizes GAN on Lipschitz density through a margin and well defined discrminator output. LSGAN abandons the the binary entropy term proposed in classic GAN and apply the assumption that a real example should have a smaller loss than a generated sample.
Discrmintor loss and generator loss for GLS-GAN are as below:
D_loss = LeakyReLU(D(x) - D(G(z)) + lambda * \delta(x, G(z))).mean()
G_loss = D(G(z)).mean()
It's worth noting that we use LeakyReLU as the cost function for GLS-GAN.
By setting the slope in LeakyReLU to 0, the GLS-GAN becomes LS-GAN; Otherwise, by setting the slope to 1, the GLS-GAN becomes WGAN.
Thus, GLS-GAN is a more general regularized GAN model, which has better generalization performance than both LS-GAN and WGAN by choosing a proper cost function. More details can be found in the paper.
The gradient penalty applies the form proposed originally in the first version of LS-GAN, Chapter 5 [pdf], quoted here "Alternatively, one may consider to directly minimize the gradient norm ||∇xLθ(x)|| as a regularizer for the LS-GAN. In this paper, we adopt weight decay for its simplicity and find it works well with the LS-GAN model in experiments."
1.In this implementation, we use the following version of PYTORCH (any version beyond this will also work),
$ pip list | grep torch
torch (0.2.0.post1)
torchvision (0.1.8)
We use the following function to calculate the gradient penalty. torch.autograd.grad() [source]
1.Setup and download celebA dataset
Download from under the link "Align&Cropped Images".
2.Crop the face using face detector.
$ python ./Data/
Note: For those dataset that are not supported by PYTORCH, you can use your own image folder by using the parameter --dataset folder, the code will work. And be sure to have a sub-folder under the main images folder. For example, celebA_crop/64_crop/.
The default slope is 0, which is LS-GAN,
$ python --dataset folder --dataroot celebA_crop --cuda --niter 25
If slope is set to 1, it is WGAN,
$ python --dataset folder --dataroot celebA_crop --cuda --niter 25 --slope 1
Or you can explore more slope as GLS-GAN, for example,
$ python --dataset folder --dataroot celebA_crop --cuda --niter 25 --slope 0.01
We save our generated images in samples folder using torchvision.utils.save_image function. You should get the following results after running the code.
LSGAN converges faster! You can start getting recognizable results after half an epoch.