- Leuven air data: https://data.leuvenair.be/data-l.html
- Traffic sensors API documentation: https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/5886213/S11RLFhq/?version=latest
- traffic.csv uploaded
- Leuven weather data: https://data.leuvenair.be/data-g.html
- Great resource for leaflet in R: https://rstudio.github.io/leaflet/
- Traffic per segment data API is pretty painless.
- The traffic data is very rare in Leuven, most in Kessel-lo and elsewhere in Belgium e.g. Antwerp.
- Apparently lot's of data but should be aggregated depending on our goals.
- Around 1 and a half year of historical data available (all-around). Something like that anyway. Only about 7 months of weather data actually.
- The airdata is concentrated in and around Leuven e.g. Kessel-lo and Heverlee. Similar dispersion with the weather sensors.
A list of the best walking paths in LeuvenThis idea is scrapped (not enough data in Leuven, but mbe elsewhere?)
- Forecasting for next days?
- Building a cost function
- Genetic algo (or other heuristic for path selection)
- Uses GPS segment data along with traffic, PM and weather data
- We could subset selection based on amounts of KMs, time of day etc.
- (Pedestrian + Bike)/Car ratio could a useful variable
- Predicting pedestrian and bike traffic in Leuven from weather and 2.5 pollution data (we don't even have to predict, even simpler is just providing estimation for past quantities)
- There are very few traffic sensor in Leuven itself, but we can use info from Kessel-Lo or similar regions to train model
- The weather and pollution at a traffic sensor could be treated as weighted mean based on distance of that traffic sensor from the neighboring weather and pollution sensors (euclidean distance of x and y gps (I don't think we have to correct for earth rotation for small distances)
- For the map, it probably wouldn't be to hard to allow filtering of predictions for pedestrian and bikes (see Telraam)
- Simple way to populate streets of Leuven: Large random sample of Leuven adresses, then we run a geocode e.g. ggmap api on these adresses. These observations can then be used to make predictions.
The Postman software can be installed on windows to easily try out API queries.