cd ~
git clone --recursive .vim
ln -s .vim/vimrc .vimrc
Look .gitmodules
- Ctrl-s = Save current buffer
- ,t = next tab
- ,g = prev tab
- ,n = toggle NerdTree panel
- ,o = toggle Output Window
- Ctrl-e = Scroll one line down, leave cursor in current line
- Ctrl-y = Scroll one line up, leave cursor in current line
- zz = Place current line at the center of window
- e = Jump to the end of the next word
- b = Jump to the begin of the prev word
To enable Ctrl-S to save files, put these lines into .bachrc
bind -r '\C-s'
stty -ixon
To enable 256 colors in terminal mode, install ncurses-term
sudo apt-get install ncurses-term
and place these lines into your .bashrc
export TERM=xterm-256color
Tagbar requires ctags, install it:
sudo apt-get install exuberant-ctags
Install better PHP ctags index file generator: and change path in settings.vim
For JavaScript ctags-support install DoctorJS: