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Western Signs

Simple interface for western astrological signs.

NPM Version GitHub License

West Art

The Western Signs library provides detailed information about each astrological sign, including its name, element, modality, rulingPlanet and glyph, among other things. Additionally, you can specify the language for translations.


To install dependencies:

npm install western-signs


To use the getSignByName function, import it along with the SIGNS constant from the western-signs package:

import { getSignByName, SIGNS } from 'western-signs'

Call the function with the desired astrological sign and optionally specify a language code. If no language code is provided, it defaults to English.

const data = getSignByName(SIGNS.TAURUS)

It should returns an object with the following properties:

  bodyPart: 'Throat',
  character: 'Bull',
  element: 'Earth',
  endDate: 2020-05-20T22:00:00.000Z,
  glyph: '♉',
  modality: 'Fixed',
  name: 'Taurus',
  number: 2,
  pole: 'Negative',
  rulingPlanet: 'Venus',
  season: 'Spring',
  startDate: 2020-04-20T22:00:00.000Z

API Reference

For detailed API information, please check out the documentation generated with TypeDoc.


MIT License © 2024 Marc Mariné