This example application demonstrates how to use Hilla to call microservices. Hilla follows a backends-for-frontends pattern, where each frontend has its own backend. The frontend is responsible for aggregating data from multiple services and presenting it to the user.
Hilla uses type-safe RPC calls to communicate between the frontend and backend.
The example consists of 3 applications:
- A service that provides user dataorder-service
- A service that provides order datahilla-app
- The frontend application that aggregates data from the other services
graph TD
A[Browser] -->|Type-safe RPC| B[Hilla App]
B --> |REST| C[User Service]
B --> |REST| D[Order Service]
You can either run the example locally or in a Docker container.
- Run the example locally by running the Spring Boot application in each folder.
- Run the example in Docker by running
docker-compose up (--build)
in the root folder.