Prediction de genre de film grâce à son synopsis.
Pour obtenir de l’aide :
$ python3 -h
usage: [-h] [-t TITLE] [-d DESCRIPTION] [-cl CLASSIFIER] [-mp MODEL_PATH] [-tr TRAIN] [-csv CSV_OUTPUT] [-n NEURONS] [-l LAYERS] [-trs TRAIN_SIZE]
[-tes TEST_SIZE] [-csv_train CSV_TRAIN]
Predict genre of a movie
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-t TITLE, --title TITLE
Title of the movie
Description of the movie
Classifier to use
-mp MODEL_PATH, --model_path MODEL_PATH
Path to the model
-tr TRAIN, --train TRAIN
Train the model
-csv CSV_OUTPUT, --csv_output CSV_OUTPUT
CSV output file
-n NEURONS, --neurons NEURONS
Number of neurons in the hidden layer
-l LAYERS, --layers LAYERS
Number of hidden layers
-trs TRAIN_SIZE, --train_size TRAIN_SIZE
Train size
-tes TEST_SIZE, --test_size TEST_SIZE
Test size
-csv_train CSV_TRAIN, --csv_train CSV_TRAIN
CSV train file
Pour prédire le genre d'un film par exemple le film Dune :
python3 -cl svm -mp models/svm.sav -t "Dune" -d "The story of Paul Atreides, a young man as gifted as he was brilliant, destined to meet an extraordinary destiny that totally surpasses him. Because if he wants to preserve the future of his family and his people, he will have to go to the most dangerous planet in the universe - the only one able to provide the most precious resource in the world, capable of multiplying tenfold. power of mankind. As evil forces vie for control of this planet, only those who manage to overcome their fear will be able to survive ..." -csv dune_predicted.csv
La prédiction sera faite sur le modèle SVM et l'output sera dans le fichier dune_predicted.csv de la forme suivante :
Title | Description | Genre_predit |
Dune | The story of Paul Atreides, ... , only those who manage to overcome their fear will be able to survive ... | sci-fi |
python3 --train true -mp "neural_network.sav" -cl neural_network -n 46 -l 1
Entrainement du modèle via le réseau de neurones sur la base de données d'entrainement avec 1 layer et 46 neurones et l'
enregistre dans neural_network.sav
python3 --train true -mp "svm.sav" -cl svm -trs 0.5 -tes 0.1
Entrainement du modèle via SVM sur la base de données d'entrainement avec test_size=0.1 et train_size=0.5 et l'
enregistre dans svm.sav
python3 --train true -mp "logistic_regression_model.sav" -cl logistic_regression -tes 0.2 -trs 0.7
Entrainement du modèle via LogisticRegression sur la base de données d'entrainement avec test_size=0.2 et train_size=0.7
et l'enregistre dans logistic_regression.sav