docker for
migrated to Ben's ecoquants server on Contabo ( (see ecoquants/server) off DigitalOcean (
www.\*, -
Analytical apps:
Spatial engine:
Containerized using:
- CKAN data catalog
- ioos/catalog-docker-base: Docker Image for the base CKAN build for all CKAN related images
- ioos/catalog-ckan: IOOS Catalog as a CKAN extension
- ERDDAP data service
- axiom-data-science/docker-erddap: A feature full Tomcat (SSL over APR, etc.) running ERDDAP
- ioos/erddap-gold-standard: Contains the 'gold standard' ERDDAP configuration, with datasets compliant with IOOS Metadata Profile 1.2
- ERDDAP - Set Up Your Own ERDDAP
- Custom APIS using Plumber
- Extract ERDDAP gridded data from polygon, as informed by mregions ID or uploaded shapefile, return mean, stdev
- Aggregate ERDDAP tabular data over space/time/taxa, eg from MARINe or CalCOFI
Created droplet at with [email protected] (Google login):
- Choose an image : Distributions : Marketplace :
- Docker by DigitalOcean Version 19.03.12, OS Ubuntu 20.04
- Choose a plan : Basic :
- $40 /mo $0.060 /hour
- 8 GB / 4 CPUs
- 160 GB SSD disk
- 5 TB transfer
- Choose a datacenter region :
- New York 1
- Authentication :
- SSH key
:- Your identification has been saved in /Users/bbest/.ssh/id_rsa.
- Your public key has been saved in /Users/bbest/.ssh/
- SSH key content:
cat ~/.ssh/
Name: macbook-pro-bbest
- How many Droplets?
- 1 Droplet
- Choose a hostname :
Note IP address generated with new droplet, in this case:
Bought domain for $12/yr with account [email protected].
DNS matched to server IP
to domain via Google Domains, plus the following subdomains added under Custom resource records with: -
Type: A, Data: and Name:
- @
- api
- ckan
- erddap
- geo
- rstudio
- shiny
Name: www, Type: CNAME,
Before using secure shell (SSH), you'll need to the public key of your machine and username added to the server. See How To Set Up SSH Keys | DigitalOcean.
The first time you login from a machine, you'll need to type yes
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:XisfpVW6doSV9WDZH5sHAcDpRK3LR3AQF2rNdfUeDOA.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? yes
Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
Confirm that docker
and docker-compose
are installed:
docker --version
# Docker version 19.03.12, build 48a66213fe
docker-compose --version
# docker-compose version 1.22.0, build f46880fe
systemctl status docker
- How To Install and Use Docker on Ubuntu 18.04 | DigitalOcean
- Install Docker Compose | Docker Documentation
docker run --name test-web -p 80:80 -d nginx
# confirm working
docker ps
curl http://localhost
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Welcome to nginx!</title>
body {
width: 35em;
margin: 0 auto;
font-family: Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;
<h1>Welcome to nginx!</h1>
<p>If you see this page, the nginx web server is successfully installed and
working. Further configuration is required.</p>
<p>For online documentation and support please refer to
<a href=""></a>.<br/>
Commercial support is available at
<a href=""></a>.</p>
<p><em>Thank you for using nginx.</em></p>
You can also visit to see this in your browser.
Turn off:
docker stop test-web
- Quickstart: Compose and WordPress | Docker Documentation
- docker-compose.yml · kartoza/docker-geoserver
- How To Install WordPress With Docker Compose | DigitalOcean
First, you will create the environment .env
file to specify password and host:
- NOTE: Set
, substituting "S3cr!tpw" with your password. The docker-compose.yml uses variable substitution in Docker.
# get latest docker-compose files
git clone
cd marinebon_app
# set environment variables
echo 'PASSWORD=S3cr!tpw' > .env
echo '' >> .env
cat .env
# launch
docker-compose up -d
# OR update
git pull; docker-compose up -d
# OR build if Dockerfile updated in subfolder
git pull; docker-compose up --build -d
# OR restart
docker-compose restart
# OR stop
docker-compose stop
This image could be pushed as a custom image, eg bdbest/rstudio-shiny:s4w
, I docker-compose push to bdbest/rstudio-shiny:s4w | Docker Hub.
# login to docker hub
docker login --username=bdbest
# push updated image
docker-compose push
Note setting of HOST
to local
# get latest docker-compose files
git clone
cd ~/marinebon_app
# set environment variables
echo "PASSWORD=S3cr!tpw" > .env
echo "HOST=local" >> .env
cat .env
# launch
docker-compose up -d
# see all containers
docker ps -a
Then visit http://localhost or http://rstudio.localhost.
TODO: try migrating volumes in /var/lib/docker onto local machine.
# stop all running containers
docker stop $(docker ps -q)
# remove all containers
docker rm $(docker ps -aq)
# remove all image
docker rmi $(docker images -q)
# determine how volumes used
docker ps -a --filter volume=[volumename]
# remove all volumes
docker volume rm $(docker volume ls -q)
# remove all stopped containers
docker container prune
To tail the logs from the Docker containers in realtime, run:
docker-compose logs -f
docker inspect rstudio-shiny
In Terminal as admin:
sudo chown -R admin /share
mkdir -p /share/data
mkdir -p /share/github
# git clone private repos
cd /share/github
git clone
# link special folders to home folder
ln -s /srv/shiny-server /home/$user/shiny_apps
ln -s /var/log/shiny-server /home/$user/shiny_logs
ln -s /share /home/$user/share
ln -s /share/github /home/$user/github
Upload marinebon.app_pass.txt
into /share/config/
# delete user
#deluser $user
#docker exec rstudio userdel $user
#docker exec rstudio rm -rf /home/$user
# add user to host
sudo adduser $user --gecos 'First Last,RoomNumber,WorkPhone,HomePhone' --disabled-password
sh -c "echo $user:$pass | sudo chpasswd"
sudo usermod -aG sudo $user
# add user inside rstudio-shiny docker container from host
docker exec rstudio adduser $user --gecos 'First Last,RoomNumber,WorkPhone,HomePhone' --disabled-password
docker exec rstudio sh -c "echo $user:$pass | sudo chpasswd"
# setup (once) staff to be shared by admin, and default permissions 775
docker exec rstudio gpasswd -a admin staff
docker exec rstudio sh -c "echo 'umask 002' >> /etc/profile"
# setup (every user) primary group to staff
docker exec rstudio gpasswd -a $user staff
docker exec rstudio usermod -g staff $user
# check groups for user in container
docker exec rstudio groups $user
# setup symbolic links in home dir
docker exec rstudio bash -c \
"ln -s /share /home/$user/share; \
ln -s /share/data /home/$user/data; \
ln -s /share/github /home/$user/github; \
ln -s /share/github/www_marinebon /home/$user/www; \
ln -s /srv/shiny-server /home/$user/shiny; \
ln -s /var/log/shiny-server /home/$user/shiny-logs"
Since using docker postgis/postgis 12.3, try on rstudio Terminal:
ogrinfo --version
# GDAL 3.0.4, released 2020/01/28
This was for a different project, but useful for future reference:
passwd=`cat /share/config/marinebon.app_pass.txt`
echo $passwd
ogrinfo -ro PG:"host=postgis dbname=gis user=admin password=$passwd"
ogr2ogr -f "PostgreSQL" PG:"host=postgis dbname=gis user=admin password=$passwd" "/share/mpatlas_mpa.gpkg" -nln "mpa_mpa" # -append