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Branch: ZSH Plugin for GIT branch aliases

This is a zsh plugin to define the branch command, wrapping common git commands.

The branch output displays the original git command that was used, so you don't forget about real git.

It is similar to a simple set of aliases (like in the git plugin of oh-my-zsh), but with a little extra functionality, because it knows the current branch and can autocomplete accordingly.

The usage is quite intuitive:

$ branch[enter]            #=> show branches
$ branch [tab]             #=> show branches to autocomplete
$ branch mast[tab]         #=> autocomplete with 'master', then you hit enter and checkout into master
$ branch all               #=> show all branches, including remotes (same as branch -a or git branch --all)
$ branch current           #=> show current branch
$ branch remotes           #=> show remote branches
$ branch <name>            #=> checkout into branch <name>
$ branch move <name>       #=> rename current branch to <name>
$ branch new <name>        #=> create and checkout new branch
$ branch pull              #=> pull from origin, current branch
$ branch pull master       #=> pull from origin/master and merge into current branch
$ branch push              #=> push to origin, current branch
$ branch push <name>       #=> push to origin, branch <name>
$ branch rm <b1> <b2>      #=> removes both local and remote versions of branches b1 and b2
$ branch rmlocal <b1>      #=> removes local version of branch b1
$ branch help              #=> show help
$ branch set-upstream <b1> #=> set upstream branch to b1 for current branch
$ branch unset-upstream    #=> unset upstream branch for current branch

For more help, type branch help.


If you are using oh-my-zsh:

Copy the branch folder to .oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins, for example:

cd ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins
git clone [email protected]:marioizquierdo/git-branch-zsh-command.git branch

Enable the plugin in your .zshrc file. Edit ~/.zshrc to activate the plugin, for example: plugins=(branch) And restart the terminal to apply (or just type source ~/.zshrc).


In you shell, cd into any git project, in branch master:

(master)$ _

List branches (default):

(master)$ branch
* master

Change branch (note that branch [tab] will autocomplete with local branches):

(master)$ branch other-branch
> git checkout other-branch
Switched to branch 'other-branch'

Pull changes from origin, to current branch:

(other-branch)$ branch pull
> git pull origin other-branch
 * branch            other-branch     -> FETCH_HEAD
Already up-to-date.

Create branch and push to origin:

(other-branch)$ branch new my-new-cool-branch
> git checkout -b my-new-cool-branch
Switched to a new branch 'my-new-cool-branch'

(my-new-cool-branch)$ branch push
> git push origin test-branch
Total 0 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
To [email protected]:whatever
 * [new branch]      my-new-cool-branch -> my-new-cool-branch

Delete both local and remote versions of my-new-cool-branch:

(my-new-cool-branch)$ branch rm my-new-cool-branch
> git checkout master
Switched to branch 'master'
> git checkout -d my-new-cool-branch
Deleted branch my-new-cool-branch (was 6036aa3).
> git push origin :my-new-cool-branch
To [email protected]:whatever
 - [deleted]         my-new-cool-branch

If you want to delete only the local version of the branch, use branch rmlocal instead. This is useful if you haven't pushed the branch to origin yet.

(my-new-cool-branch)$ branch rmlocal my-new-cool-branch
> git checkout master
Switched to branch 'master'
> git checkout -d my-new-cool-branch
Deleted branch my-new-cool-branch (was 6036aa3).

Recommended aliases:

You should do your own aliases that work for you. With branch, you can write more accurate easy-to-type commands.

For example, in your ~/.zshrc:

alias br='branch'
alias pull='branch pull'
alias push='branch push'
alias st='git status -s'
alias cm='git commit -a -m'

Now your usual git commands will look like this:

(master)$ pull                   # pull changes from master
(master)$ br new mybr            # create a new branch and checkout
(mybr)$ touch x
(mybr)$ git add x                # add a new file
(mybr)$ st                       # check status
(mybr)$ cm "added a new x file"  # commit
(mybr)$ push                     # push changes to origin/mybr
(mybr)$ br m[tab][enter]         # use autocomplete to change back to master


ZSH shell command to make git branch management more handy






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