Releases: marius-m/wt4
1.9.7 - Import with auto ticket code binding
Still same problem remains for code sign on MacOS, so you’ll have to run
sudo xattr -rd /Applications/
for the app to launch. -
- When importing logs lets you to find ticket code from comment and bind it to the ticket. Very useful when trying to use multiple JIRA’s
1.9.6 - Day report fixes
Still same problem remains for code sign on MacOS, so you’ll have to run
sudo xattr -rd /Applications/
for the app to launch. -
- Fixing / improving report mechanism for day / week reports
1.9.5 Fixes / Help section, Day report
Still same problem remains for code sign on MacOS, so you’ll have to run
sudo xattr -rd /Applications/
for the app to launch. -
Experimental release with some experimental features
- Fixed worklog sync where comments would not provide a value from JIRA (this is controllable variable from JIRA itself)
- Change some of confirmation / info dialogs to internal ones. This fixes a problem with a MacOS full screen feature, what it would not show dialogs or just plainly break down the app by freezing it.
- Integrate ability to provide help sections to features in screen (aka helpful tips). Now some of more hidden features would be more visible. Still need to add more help sections for this to be more helpful
- (Experimental) More info on your current day and its pace (How much time is left to complete the day)
1.9.4 Minor tinkering / fixes for time select / filter features
Still same problem remains for code sign on MacOS, so you’ll have to run
sudo xattr -rd /Applications/
for the app to launch. -
Fix issues with features before
- Time selection would scroll to its currently selected value
- Time would remove when focus is gone from time selection field
- Filter tinker that would provide more values
1.9.3 (Preview) Time selection (GCal style), Filter in recent tickets
Still same problem remains for code sign on MacOS, so you'll have to run
sudo xattr -rd /Applications/
for the app to launch. -
Change how time select is done using 'Google calendar' style (There were quite a bit of requests for this) (LogDetailsScreen)
Fix (hopefully) random error when data changes in ticket code (LogDetailsScreen)
Apply filter for recent results when changing ticket code (LogDetailsScreem)
1.9.2 Change date/time selection; OS stability fixes
- New OS systems introduced new challenges for the app to work properly, needed to repackage with newest JRE + JFX modules (MacOS had problems, also M1)
- New OS also introduced in breaking JFX UI components and misbehaving, had to replace them entirely. So now we have new time and date selection
- Still same problem remains for code sign on MacOS, so you'll have to run
sudo xattr -rd /Applications/
for the app to launch.
- Initializing package system with auto-update (still not enabled yet, in new version maybe)
- Hopefully this fixes code signing and launch problems as well 🤞
- Logging changed from
- Changed due to having more experience, more logs are piped therough (now it should even pipe System.out)
- Also
having infamous bug, however it should not cause too many problems, as it is a local app and does not expose anything outside (unlike web)
1.9.1-dev Hotfixes
- Hotfixes for 1.9.1-dev
- Same thing as last time, can’t sign the app yet, will need additional commands to run through for the app to work (MacOS)
- Command: sudo xattr -rd
- wiverson/maven-jpackage-template#49
Due to bug in jfx+jfoenix+drawer-component some elements had to be rewritten. However after starting ’changing the locks on the door’, I’ve managed to ’change all the doors in the house’. This means major code and UI component changes and I’m not even exactly done yet.
- This version most probably has bugs
- However this version works with latest JVM + MacOS version
- Same thing as last time, can’t sign the app yet, will need additional commands to run through for the app to work (MacOS)
- Command:
sudo xattr -rd
- wiverson/maven-jpackage-template#49
- Command:
1.8.2-jpackage17 re-release
There was a problem on new macOS systems running JavaFx. Repackage with newest JavaFx (OpenJDK Runtime Environment Zulu11.54+23-CA (build 11.0.14+9-LTS)) + JPackage from J17 (OpenJDK Runtime Environment Zulu17.32+13-CA (build 17.0.2+8-LTS))
Also, we don't use official certificate to build the app (which needs effort and figuring out what certificate to use), installing the app in macOS would put it into quarantine. To fix it, you'll need to run this command from terminal after installing the app.
- Command:
sudo xattr -rd
- wiverson/maven-jpackage-template#49
- Command:
1.8.2 Fix JIRA cloud
- Fix JIRA cloud connection
- Fix Profiles. Multiple apps can be launched and used at once
- NOTE: This is a breaking change. So if you start using 1.8.2, it will migrate data from previous version and it will store new information in new place. If you decide to go back to <=1.8.1 for any reason, it may contain old information. Old data is not removed, due to compatibility issues and data loss prevention.