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Git Tips

Rumperuu edited this page Apr 29, 2021 · 10 revisions

Git is the version control tool used for this project. As not everyone will be familiar with it, this Wiki page features some handy beginner tips; there is loads of further information available all over the Web.


Term Definition
Working/local copy The copy of the repo. that you have on your local machine
Remote/origin copy The copy of the repo. on GitHub
Branch A copy of the codebase used for development
main The primary branch of the codebase - code cannot be committed directly
Pull request A request to merge the code in a given branch with (usually) main
Checking out Switching your local copy to a given branch
Staging A modified file is staged before committing

Getting Started

  1. Install Git (obviously)
  2. Clone the repo. (git clone [email protected]:markcheret/footnotes.git)
  3. View the available branches (git branch)
  4. Set your user details:
    • git config --global "John Doe" and git config --global [email protected]
    • if you want to use a local username/email that is different to your global one, drop the --global option
  5. TODO: Add SVN details to your Git config


More information is available in the Contributing guidelines.

  1. Update your local copy (git pull)
  2. Make a branch (git checkout -b <branch name>)
    • the -b flag creates a new branch, rather than checking out an existing one
  3. Make your edits
  4. View the edited files (git status)
  5. View your changes (git diff <file(s)>)
    • changes can be reverted (git restore <file(s)>)
  6. Stage the file(s) (git add <file(s)>)
    • staged files can be un-staged (git restore --staged <file(s)>)
    • if you have multiple changes in a file, but only want to stage some of them in this commit, use git add -p to mark which chunks you want to stage.
  7. Commit the staged files (git commit -m "<message>")
    • leave off the second double-quotes to write a multi-line commit message
      • be careful using certain punctuation when doing this (e.g. backticks)
    • or, leave off the (-m "<message>") entirely to write your commit message in a text editor
    • or, use composer commit to use Commitizen
    • if you haven't pushed them, commits can be undone (git reset --soft HEAD~<num of commits to undo>)
  8. Once you're ready, push your local commits (git push)
    • for the first commit on a new branch, use (git push -u origin <branch>)

Pull Requests

  1. On GitHub, create a Pull Request for your new branch to main
    • if it's not ready yet, you can create a draft Pull Request that can't be merged until you un-draft it (but people can still review and comment on it)
  2. Tag any related Issues in the PR
    • if you want the PR to automatically close the Issues on merge, say 'Closes #' or 'Fix #'
  3. If applicable, assign the PR to a Project and/or Milestone
    • Projects are grouping of Issues and PRs with a given theme/objective
    • Milestones are target states and the Issues and PRs that are required to reach that state


  1. You can delete local branches when you are done with them (git branch -d <branch name>)
  2. You can also update your refs to reflect any remote branches that have been deleted (git fetch --prune)
  3. You can view all branches that you have a local copy of (git branch)
  4. You can also view ALL branches, including those only on the remote (git branch -a)
  5. You can switch from a branch to another (git switch <branch name>)

Rewriting history

