This is my blog. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
The content and code herein is documented with reasonable depth in this blog post:
This custom blogging platform is built with:
- Java 8
- GitHub and JGit
- Curacao
- Markdown with Pegdown
- Twitter Bootstrap
This project is built and managed using Apache Maven.
To clone, build, and run this project you must have Maven installed and configured.
To begin, clone the repository.
#~> git clone
Run mvn jetty:run
from within your newly cloned blog directory to start the local servlet container.
#~> cd blog
#~/blog> mvn jetty:run
Run mvn jetty:run-forked fizzed-watcher:run
to start Jetty in "forked" mode and watch for resource changes. Any changes to .js
or .css
files will invoke the process-resources
goal to minfiy and compress all static resources while the Jetty server continues to run:
#~/blog> mvn jetty:run-forked fizzed-watcher:run
In your nearest web-browser, visit http://localhost:8080/blog.
To stop the development server, press Ctrl-C
To build a deployable WAR for your favorite servlet container, run mvn package
#~/blog> mvn package
The resulting WAR is placed into the local dist directory. Deploy and enjoy.
Copyright (c) 2016 Mark S. Kolich
All code in this project is freely available for use and redistribution under the MIT License.
See LICENSE for details.