This project deploys a complete single app structure with load balancer, autoscaling group, security groups, SSL certificate and a valid domin name.
This project depends on Terragrunt VPC deployment.
The application should be deployed in followed order:
tags > security_groups > rds > key_pair > launch_configuration > target_group > autoscaling_group > load_balancer > domain > lb_listener > lb_listener_rule > bastion
- Application
- Bastion Host: Any user can access it since their private key is associated with the instance.
- Application Hosts: There isn't incoming access, just can be accessed by SSH from Bastion Host.
- MySQL Instance: Restricted access from application hosties IP range.
- Load Balancer: Forward incoming traffic according to the domain name and encrypt all traffic by SSL protocol.
Gerenating a GPG key:
- 1 - Centralize the informations key in a file:
cat >~/gpg_key_informations <<EOF %echo Generating a basic OpenPGP key Key-Type: DSA Key-Length: 1024 Subkey-Type: ELG-E Subkey-Length: 1024 Name-Real: YOUR_NAME Name-Email: YOUR_EMAIL Expire-Date: 0 Passphrase: YOUR_PASSWORD %commit %echo done EOF
- 2 - Gerenatethe GPG key:
gpg --batch --generate-key ~/gpg_key_informations
- 3 - List the GPG Keys:
gpg --list-secret-keys
- 4 - Contact the project admin add your GPG Key.