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fictional couscous

Most of my machine configuration is handled with my fictional couscous!

Screenshot 2023-11-07 at 10 55 09 Screenshot 2023-11-07 at 11 01 43

I use different machines for different purposes, and I have set a identificator for each of them. This identificator is based on the architecture of the machine, and the OS. The following are the identificators I use:

  • arm64-darwin: for my M1 mac
  • arm64-linux: for my Raspberry Pi 4
  • x64-darwin: for my Intel mac
  • x64-linux: for my linux machines
  • x64-nodos: for IGFAE/CERN machines
  • x64-codespaces: used for all my codespaces
  • x64-wsl: used for my WSL2 setup
  • x32-linux: mainly used for iSH app

This information must be set in the ~/.machine file. This file is automatically created by the script, but you can create it manually if you want. The file should contain only the identificator of the machine, and nothing else.

Core ideas

Neovim is my main editor, and everything is circling around it. Here is a list of the tools I use:

Dependency Description
Neovim Best editor on Earth
Nerd font Currently I use Fira Code
Fuzzy Finder (fzf) Search utility
ripgrep Search
tmux Terminal multiplexer
wezterm The terminal emulator that works everywhere

I was mostly a Unix user till very recencly where I was forced to use Windows and WSL. I used to use kitty as my main terminal, but I swiched to Wezterm because it is the only one available on all platforms.


It still exists a Makefile to install this configuration, but I am currently using dotbot to manage my dotfiles.

bash -c "$(curl -fsSL" -f -f

In WSL you need to run the following commands first:

sudo sed -i -E 's/nameserver [0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+/nameserver' /etc/resolv.conf
sudo apt update && sudo apt install curl -y


This files should be used as a template to create your own configuration. I do not recommend you to make install all my dotfiles since you will not leverage the most part of them. Instead, try to copy what you need and create your own repo. But, if you find there is some plugin or configuration that I could take advantage of, please do not hesitate to create a pull request!