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Turn this autolayout code:

    view.centerXAnchor.constraint(equalTo: container.centerXAnchor),
    view.topAnchor.constraint(equalTo: container.topAnchor),
    view.widthAnchor.constraint(equalTo: container.widthAnchor, constant: -2*20),
    view.heightAnchor.constraint(equalTo: container.heightAnchor, constant: -2*20)

into this:

image.constraints { view in
    view.centerTopAnchor == container.centerTopAnchor
    view.sizeAnchor == container.sizeAnchor -- 20



pod 'FlooidLayout', '~> 1.0.8'

Swift Package Manager

.package(url: "", from: "1.0.8")

How it works

FlooidLayout defines custom operators on NSLayoutAnchor (e.g. ==, <=, >=, etc.), which produce NSLayoutConstraint. Examples:

  • simple constants for width and height anchors: view.heightAnchor == 50
  • anchor reference: view.leadingAnchor == container.centerXAnchor
  • anchor reference with multiplier: view.widthAnchor <= container.widthAnchor * 0.8
  • anchor reference with constant: view.leadingAnchor == sibilingView.trailingAnchor + 15
  • anchor reference with multiplier and constant: view.heightAnchor == container.heightAnchor * 0.8 - 10

Width and height anchors can also have their constants assigned with ++ or -- which simply multiplies the value by 2. This is useful when you want to express paddings or margins on a view, e.g: view.widthAnchor == container.widthAnchor -- 10 is equivalent to view.widthAnchor == container.widthAnchor - 20.

You can also call constraints on a view, which will provide you with a result builder, expecting a list of NSLayoutConstraint, which are then activated.

Modifications and variable assignment

Sometimes you may need to change the priority of a constraint or assign an identifier. You can do this inline with the --! operator:

Assigning custom priority

view.heightAnchor == view.widthAnchor * 0.6 --! .priority(.defaultHigh)

Assigning an identifier

view.centerXAnchor == container.centerXAnchor --! .identifier("iconCenterX")


view.centerXAnchor == container.centerXAnchor --! .activated

Should be used only if you are declaring a constraint outside of the constraints method. constraints will automatically activate all constraints listed in the result builder.

Store in a vairable

view.topAnchor == container.topAnchor + 20 --> imageTopConstraint


All of the modifiers can be chained together with the only rule being that the assignment is at the end:

view.heightAnchor == view.widthAnchor * 0.6 --! .priority(.defaultHigh) --! .identifier("iconHeight") --> iconHeightConstraint

Additional anchors

FlooidLayout provides a few additional "anchors", which will make your anchor declarations even simpler:


Modifies both the width and height anchors

// Constant assignment
view.sizeAnchor == CGSize(width: 30, height: 30)

// Another sizeAnchor assignment
view.sizeAnchor == container.sizeAnchor

// Expanding both dimensions
view.sizeAnchor == container.sizeAnchor + 20

// Shrinking both dimensions (the constant is multipled by two in this example)
view.sizeAnchor == container.sizeAnchor -- 20

// Scaling both dimensions
view.sizeAnchor == container.sizeAnchor * 0.5

// Expanding each dimensions separately
view.sizeAnchor == container.sizeAnchor + (width: 20, height: 40)

// Shrinking each dimensions separately (the constants are multipled by two in this example)
view.sizeAnchor == container.sizeAnchor -- (width: 20, height: 10)

// Scaling each dimensions separately
view.sizeAnchor == container.sizeAnchor * (width: 0.5, height: 0.4)


Modifies both the centerX centerY anchors. Similarly other location anchors are available, like leadingTopAnchor, centerBottomAnchor, rightCenterAnchor, etc.

// Another locationAnchor assignment
view.centerAnchor == container.centerAnchor

// Moving both axis
view.leadingTopAnchor == container.leadingTopAnchor + 20

// Moving each axis separately
view.leadingCenterAnchor == container.trailingCenterAnchor + (x: 10, y: 0)


Modifies the top, bottom, leading and trailing anchors

// Another locationAnchor assignment
view.edgesAnchor == container.edgesAnchor

// Insetting all edges equally
view.edgesAnchor == container.edgesAnchor -- 10

// Insetting edges separately per axis
view.edgesAnchor == container.edgesAnchor -- (horizontally: 20, vertically: 10)

// Insetting each edge separately
view.edgesAnchor == container.edgesAnchor -- (leading: 5, trailing: 15, top: 10, bottom: 20)


Modifies both the leading and trailing anchors

// Another horizontalEdgesAnchor assignment
view.horizontalEdgesAnchor == container.horizontalEdgesAnchor

// Insetting both edges equally
view.horizontalEdgesAnchor == container.horizontalEdgesAnchor -- 10

// Insetting each edge separately
view.horizontalEdgesAnchor == container.horizontalEdgesAnchor -- (leading: 5, trailing: 15)


Modifies both the top and bottom anchors

// Another verticalEdgesAnchor assignment
view.verticalEdgesAnchor == container.verticalEdgesAnchor

// Insetting all edges equally
view.verticalEdgesAnchor == container.verticalEdgesAnchor -- 10

// Insetting each edge separately
view.verticalEdgesAnchor == container.verticalEdgesAnchor -- (top: 10, bottom: 20)


Declarative Autolayout Library







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