- Draggable
- Resizable
- Write in Markdown, uses (https://github.com/chjj/marked)
- Save on Blur
- Unsecure
- Still alpha
Don't use this on a production server, if you do, at least secure it with .htaccess Password. It's just a small demo yet.
- Web Server with php and sqlite module
- upload the files to a directory under your webserver root
- make sure the directory is writeable for the web server for the sqlite database file
- You have 10 sheets for now, click one short and fill it with content in markdown format
- When done click on another sheet or on a free space inside the page, your content will be saved
- drag and resize the sheets -> position and size are saved automatically
- Zettel.coffee (now on devel branch)
- save z-index
- simple login stuff
- json/ REST api instead of POST/GET only
- local storage (offline) + server sync
- auto save after time (now only on textarea.focusout)
- change colors, colorpicker
- multi desks/ categories
- different widget types (priority w., progress widget)
- headers
- add/ delete notes
- zoom in-> detail view; zoom out-> pin board view
- keyboard shortcuts/ completion
- fork to dashboard app -> show foreign contents in iframes(Videoes, search, etc.)
- ...