This project develops convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for identifying landmarks on social media images. The project explores 2 methodologies: building a neural network "from scratch" and building a neural network using transfer learning (based on the VGG16 pre-trained model).
This is the 2nd project in Udacity's Deep Learning Nanodegree [1][2]. This README acts as a final report for the project.
Input Data
Train-Test Datasets
Category Distributions
Image sizes
Valid Dataset
Data Loaders
Data Pre-Processor
CNN 1 - From Scratch
CNN 2 - From Transfer Learning
Usage - Train the CNN
Usage - Predict With the CNN
1 - Clone this repository.
$ cd ~
$ git clone
2 - Install miniconda.
3 - Create/activate conda environment for this project.
$ conda env create --file install/environment.yaml
$ conda activate landmark
4 - Download the dataset for this project and extract it into directory data/
data/ Directory for training data.
landmark_images/ Image dataset (must be downloaded).
test/ Testing images (must be downloaded).
train/ Training images (must be downloaded).
data.ipynb Notebook for exploring data.
design.ipynb Notebook for developing/training neural network.
implementation.ipynb Notebook for developing usage code.
images/ Images for the README.
environment.yaml Conda environment file. CNNs and supporting classes/functions.
testme.jpg Dummy image for testing neural network.
categories.json Image categories (IDs & names).
Images are being uploaded to social media platforms everyday. During upload, these services can automatically tag the image with its location based on the image metadata (such as GPS coordinates).
However, when the image does not contain GPS data, an alternate method to pinpoint the location where the photo was taken is to identify a recognizable landmark in the picture. This can be performed with a CNN.
- Design 2 CNNs to classify an image based on a landmark in this image.
- 1 CNN "from scratch".
- 1 CNN using transfer learning.
- Select the best CNN (target accuracy > 60%).
- Create a simple interface for others to run the best CNN developed above.
CNNs in this project are trained using a dataset of landmark images provided by Udacity [3]. This dataset contains about 6000 images divided into 50 categories. Image category ID/names are stored in file categories.json
Note that the dataset used in this project is a subset of the Google Landmark Dataset v2 [4].
The landmark images were already split into training and testing datasets by Udacity.
datasets | data_points | %_total |
train | 4996 | 80 |
test | 1250 | 20 |
- | - | - |
total | 6246 | 100 |
- There are 100 images/category in the training dataset
- There are 25 images/category in the testing dataset.
- Most images are < 200 kB.
- The largest images are 800 x 800 pixels.
- Most images have one side which is 800 pixels.
![]() |
![]() |
The neural networks developped in this project are part of the following machine learning pipeline.
A validation dataset was created by taking 25 % of the train dataset. This created a final train-valid-test data split of 60-20-20%.
Data loaders read images from disk, perform pre-processing on these images and return tensors which can be manipulated by the neural networks.
The training dataloader performs the following data pre-processing (which includes data augmentation).
And the validation/test dataloaders perform the following pre-processing.
A first neural network was built/coded "from scratch". This model used the following architecture, which is a simplified version of VGG16.
See class NeuralNetworkScratch
and function get_model_scratch
for exact architecture.
Component | Layers | Size |
Input | RGB Image | 224 x 224 x 3 |
Feature Extractor | 2 conv layer + 1 max pool | |
2 conv layer + 1 max pool | ||
2 conv layer + 1 max pool | ||
Classifier | Flatten layer + dropout | |
1 fully connected + ReLU | ||
1 fully connected + ReLU | ||
Output | Log Softmax | 50 |
The 2nd neural network uses a pre-trained version of the VGG16 neural network [6], with its classifier replaced by the same classifier as CNN 1 above.
As per reference [1], only the classifier weights are retrained since:
- the new dataset is small (~6000 images) while VGG16 was trained over 1.2 million images;
- the new dataset is similar to the dataset on which VGG16 was trained.
See function get_model_transfer
for exact architecture.
Both neural networks are trained using the following parameters.
Parameter | Method | Value / Function |
Error function | Negative Log Loss Likelihood | nn.NLLLoss() |
Metrics | Accuracy | > 60 % |
Batching | Mini-batches | 64 data points |
Optimizer | Stochastic Gradient Descent | nn.optim.SGD() |
Epochs | - | 50 |
Learning rate | - | 0.01 |
CNN 1 learning curves.
CNN 2 learning curves.
CNN 2 met the accuracy requirement and was selected as the best model. It was ran on the test dataset and the accuracy requirement was still met.
Neural Network | Test accuracy |
CNN 2 (from transfer learning) | 74 % |
The selected CNN (and its associated pipeline) was implemented in file
and can now be used to perform predictions on an image it has never seen before.
from landmark import *
import torch
import torch.optim as optim
# Directories of train-test data
dir_train = "data/landmark_images/train"
dir_test = "data/landmark_images/test"
# File containing image categories & indexes
file_categories = "categories.json"
# Model checkpoint & metrics file
file_checkpoint = ""
file_metrics = "model_metrics.json"
# Device for calculations (CPU/GPU)
device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available else "cpu"
# Get DataLoaders
dls = get_data_loaders(dir_train, None, dir_test, 0.25)
# Instantiate CNN built from transfer learning
model = get_model_transfer()
# Train model
n_epochs = 50
criterion = nn.NLLLoss()
optimizer = optim.SGD(model.classifier.parameters(), lr=0.01)
for param in model.features.parameters():
# Disable gradient calculations on features
param.requires_grad = False
train(n_epochs, dls, model, optimizer, criterion, file_checkpoint, file_metrics, device)
# Plot training metrics
import json
from landmark import *
import torch
# File containing image categories & indexes
file_categories = "categories.json"
# Dummy file for predictions
file_testme = "testme.jpg"
# Device for calculations (CPU/GPU)
device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available else "cpu"
# File containing image categories & indexes
with open(file_categories, "r") as f:
d_categories = json.load(f)
# Load model checkpoint
model = get_model_transfer()
# Predict k most likely categories
plot_top_k_categories(model, file_testme, d_categories, 3, device)
Accronym | Description |
CNN | Convolutional Neural Network |
VGG16 | Visual Geometry Group Neural Network - 16 Layer Configuration |
[1] Udacity, Deep Learning Nanodegree,
[2] Udacity, Landmark Classification Project,
[3] Udacity, Landmark Dataset,
[4] Common Visual Data Foundation, Google Landmarks Dataset v2,
[5] PyTorch, Models and Pre-Trained Weights,
[6] Geeks For Geeks, VGG-16 | CNN Model,