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Cursive integration

Pierre Baille edited this page Dec 7, 2016 · 3 revisions

before opening freshly generated project in cursive (it make things more easy):

  1. in build.boot, add [darongmean/boot-lein-generate "0.1.1" :scope "test"] to dependencies

  2. and require it, '[darongmean.boot-lein-generate :refer [lein-generate]]

  3. open a terminal and run: "boot lein-generate dev"

open the project in intelliJ

  1. in cursive menu goto: run/Edit configurations...

  2. add a clojure remote repl (+, clojure REPL, remote)

  3. check "Use Leiningen REPL port"

  4. launch your cursive REPL (via "Run" menu or toolbar)

  5. at the repl type and evaluate: (start-repl)

  6. visit http://localhost:3000

  7. you should see "connected! >>" at the REPL

  8. you're good to go!