The Leitstand Security module supports protecting Leitstand services and resources from unauthorized access. It consists of the following sub-modules.
- The leitstand-auth module contains the API to protect Leitstand resources from unauthorized access.
- The leitstand-accesskeys module allows maintaining access keys to establish a secure system-to-system communication.
- The leitstand-users module contains a user repository that is mainly used if user authorization is not delegated to an OpenID/Connect-compliant authorization service.
- The leitstand-auth-impl module implements the login and authorization services.
- The leitstand-crypto module contains crypotgraphy utilies to work with secure pseudo-number generators, secure hash functions, message authentication codes (MAC) and RSA keys.
- The leitstand-security-ui module contributes user, role and access key management views to the Leitstand admin console.