Erics Super Simple motion sensor alarm system using a Wemos D1 mini and Passive infra-red (PIR) sensor to send you notifications via IFTTT My Youtube Channel : My website :
If you use this code or personalize it etc- please consider sharing it back with the world Open-Source Tested with Arduino IDE 1.6.7 Connect PIR sensor V+ to 5V , V- to GND and Signal as per the sketch below.
See the full video here:
Buy the Wemos D1 Here:
Buy the PIR sensor here:
V1 Basic Sketch Works to send emails every 10 seconds or around there. V2 works smoke and motion V3 Wont boot if d8 high on startup- Changed to Pin 7 and this works. Levelconverter in place and tested- works perfect for 5V in Note: MQ2 draws too much for board to support and will need standalone Vref V4 Converted to IFTTT and temporarily removed smoke detection. Disabled wificlient in setup and only activate when ifttt is called
Get a 3D printable case on Thingiverse here:
To get your IFTTT Key: 1: sign in 2: click on your account in the top right corner 3: select services 4: select Webhooks 5: click settings in the top right 6: under account info, copy everything after (including underscores)