This plugin is an LSP client implementation for neovim (vim8 not supported yet), heavily inspired by
( The project is still
in early development so use at your own risk 😁.
If you are using vim-plug you can install vim-lc by adding the following line to your .vimrc
Plug 'martskins/vim-lc', { 'do': 'cargo build --release' }
That will download and compile the plugin. This plugin is developed in Rust, so you must have Rust installed in your system in order to compile it. There are plans to provide pre-compiled binaries for most platforms in the near future so this step shouldn't be necessary after that.
The default installation of vim-lc assumes that the executable will be found at ~/.vim/plugged/vim-lc/target/release/vlc
If you have installed the plugin, or placed the binary in another folder, you can use the binpath
config option by adding this line in your .vimrc
let g:vlc#binpath = '~/path/to/vlc/binary'
vim-lc has a rather basic configuration API, but to make it run properly you
must at least configure the language server, you can do that by adding a
dictionary under the variable g:vlc#servers
which has filetypes as keys, and
server configuration as values:
let g:vlc#servers = {}
let g:vlc#servers.go = { 'command': 'gopls', name: 'gopls' }
let g:vlc#servers.rust = { 'command': 'rust-analyzer', name: 'rust-analyzer' }
As previously said, the values on the above map are server commands, the commands have the following schema:
name: String,
command: String,
args: [String]?,
initializationOptions: Map?,
The initializationOptions field in the command is sent to the server upon initialization, and it's value is specific to each server, so you should read the server's documentation if you need to send something in it.
By default, vim-lc sets the log level to error and the log output to
, if you wish to change that you can do that by adding the
following to your vimrc:
let g:vlc#log#level = 'info'
let g:vlc#log#output = '/path/you/desire.log'
For a more complete configuration example see minvimrc
in this repository.
VLCDefintion: jumps to the definition of the symbol under the cursor.
VLCImplementation: lists the implementation of the symbol under the cursor or jumps to it if there is a single implementation.
VLCReferences: shows a list of references for the symbol under the cursor. If there a single reference then it jumps to it instead of showing a list.
VLCCodeAction: shows code actions for the symbol under the cursor.
VLCCodeLensAction: when called on a line with a visible code lens, it will show a list with the possible code lens actions for that line.
VLCRename: rename the symbol under the cursor.
VLCHover: shows documentation for the symbol under the cursor.
VLCStop: stops the language server for the filetype of the active buffer.
VLCStart: starts the language server for the filetype of the active buffer.
vim-lc doesn't set any default mappings, but it provides plug mappings you can configure in your vimrc:
nmap <silent>gd <Plug>(vlc-definition)
nmap <silent>gi <Plug>(vlc-implementation)
nmap <silent>gr <Plug>(vlc-references)
nmap <silent>ga <Plug>(vlc-code-action)
nmap <silent>gl <Plug>(vlc-code-lens)
nmap <silent>R <Plug>(vlc-rename)
nmap <silent>K <Plug>(vlc-hover)
nmap <silent>F <Plug>(vlc-formatting)
nmap <silent>E <Plug>(vlc-diagnostic-detail)